taking a delightful treatment of fresh
coconut water in Havana instead of a
cure at a Eur9pean spa.
This exotic fruit makes a good
bev..erage. It has a large brown
the shell being thin and brittle and the
interior a soft pulp covering blackish
beans. The .pulp is soaked in water
for several hours and then crushed.
strained and taken with ice and sug'ar.
It is very tart and needs to be sweetened
plentifully. The usual and easiest manner
of making tamarind refresco is to purchase
the pulp prepared with sugar. (It may
be had at cafes and groceries) and simply
disolve it in water with ice.
A very popular drink.
Juice of half a lime
One tablespoonful sug'ar
Half a glassful light beer
Half a glassful water
Shake with cracked ice.