In the eastern part of the island.
this combination is called Congris -done
with red instead of black beans.
GARBANZOS. (chick peas)
This is the most Spanish of all
grains: and is the most characteristic
ingredient of the Olla. In Cuba the
garbanzo is much used and is a valuable
member of the dried bean tribe. well
worthy of an introduction.
It is good as a porridge.
Soak 1 lb. garbanzos of good quality
in salted water over night. Put on to
cook-in plenty of water until well done
and tender. The time required for their
coction depends upon their age and
qu·ality. Generally it takes an hour or
an hour and a half.
While boiling put in some salt pork
or bacon cut in small pieces. When
tender add 3 or 4 potatoes crit in pieces.
a handful of
fry in a spoonful
of lard and another
olive oil, a chopped
onion, kernel of garlic. half a dozen
tomatoes and a little parsley. When
and add to the garbanzos.