Not covered.
Not covered.
Precision (RSDr)
Not covered.
Reproducibility (RSDR)
Not covered.
System Suitability
Not covered.
Safety Review
Is the method safe to use as written?
Are there any safety concerns with
any component, instrument, reagent
or instruction of the method? If yes,
please clearly state the concerns.
Yes. There are no safety precautions outlined in this
method. At a minimum, the use and handling of
perchloric acid as well as 12N HCl needs to be covered.
Does the method include all
necessary safety precautions and/or
warning statements? Yes or No. If
No, please suggest potential
precautions or warnings that can be
added to the method for users or
recommend safer option(s) if
Final Recommendation:
No. The method does not address 7 of the 8 Vaccinium
as outlined in the SMPR Annex 1. It is not clear that this
method would be able to differentiate/identify the
various species or identify adulterant presence/absence
as required by the SMPR.