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Issue N° 43


Precision Rolling acquired


Precision Rolling has been acquired by ASMAG UK

Ltd. Precision Rolling specialises in equipment for the

manufacture of simple and complex profiles in low to

high-carbon steels and non-ferrous materials.

David Liddle, managing director of ASMAG UK Ltd,

commented: “We are delighted to extend our product range

through this acquisition. Precision Rolling offers an extensive

range of profile manufacturing equipment, together with

ancillary machinery, that enables complete production lines

to be designed, built and installed.”

Mr Liddle continued: “Following the takeover of a German

supplier some years ago, and now the recent acquisition,

ASMAG can offer a complete and comprehensive solution

to the wire industry.”

ASMAG UK Ltd is the UK division of ASMAG –

Anlagenplanung und Sondermaschinenbau GmbH, a

leading Austrian supplier of copper, brass, steel, stainless

steel and aluminium tube manufacturing equipment.

ASMAG UK’s full range of products, ancillaries and services


Single stand units

Multi-stand lines

Powered and non-powered edge rolling

Turks heads

Friction turks heads with single or double capstans

Single or double pass machines

Horizontal or vertical drawing drums

Ancillary equipment

Payoffs and spoolers






Marldon was founded in 1966 by

Ernie Hindle and John Buckley (later a

chairman of the IWMA), both of whom

had “grown up” in the wire and cable






company developed a wealth of

experience and, importantly, a portfolio

of equipment that spans a wide range

of handling processes in wire and

cable production. For this reason the

company now frequently hears from

its customers, “Oh, I didn’t realise you

did…I only know you for airwipes/

traverses/flyers/chalkers etc.”

To address this issue, Marldon

has adopted a pictorial approach

to highlighting its capabilities by

publicising a graphic (shown above)

that gives interested parties a feeling

for the areas in which Marldon

operates. More detail is available on

the company’s website.

Marldon Group Ltd – UK


: +44 870 907 0016





Marldon’s new explanatory graphic

What exactly does Marldon do?

Filtration of high viscosity


Filtration systems are designed to keep operating fluid as

clean as possible by removing particles loosened during the

drawing operation. Pure filtration of coolants and lubricants

will give higher productivity, due to fewer wire breaks,

reduced down time, less wear of the dies and improved

surface quality of the wire. To achieve these goals, RESY

developed and introduced the Compact-Band-Filter (KBF),

now in use for over 30 years.

For high viscosity lubricants (over 120 cSt) which are

mostly used for aluminium, band filters are not suitable.

In these cases, the separation of the particles occurs

by sedimentation in the system tank. This has to be cleaned

on a regular basis. The sludge collected at the bottom is

discharged, together with a big proportion of the lubricant.

Another effect of fine aluminium flitters (flakes) is that the

viscosity of the medium increases. This higher concentration

affects the whole supply and cooling system.

At wire Düsseldorf 2010, RESY presented its new filtration

and delivery system, especially developed for this

application. The unit consists of a centrifuge, a delivery

pump, a heater, cooling system and electrical control. It is

of modular construction to be adaptable to the customer’s

need, and can be easily integrated in existing systems.

Lubricant is cleaned and cooled continuously during

operation. The concentration of the particles in the lubricant

stays at an acceptable level and ensures high quality of the

wire and a consistent drawing process. Maintenance efforts

and discharge costs will be reduced by this new system and

higher productivity achieved.

Reber Systematic GmbH & Co KG – Germany


: +49 7121 948338



