Method Submissions-5th Set of Nutrients_6-30-14 - page 21

SimultaneousDetermination of SevenWater SolubleVitamins inProducts byLC-MS/MS
A6-dayprecision study for biotinwas completed on some SPIFANmatrices, and spike recoveries determined at
three levels in theSPIFAN infant formula placebo. Productswere not spikedwithbiotin in this limitedSLV, nor
were recoveries determinedover the usual three days. The authors believe that particular attentionmust be paid to
biotin accuracy at this early stage, because there are few choices of othermethods to provide independent results
to corroborate the overspike studies. Overspike recoveries, by themselves,maynot be sufficient to verify
accuracy for biotin, so it is important that results onSPIFANmatrices for the different submittedmethods be
compared. Themethod as runpresentlymeets theSMPR requirements for precision and accuracy, but the range
of 0.1 –1.0µg/100gbiotinmaybe problematicwithout considerable optimizationof themethod toquantitate
these low levels of biotin. Themethod’s linearity and specificityhave been demonstrated tobe adequate through
internal validation. The proposedmethod also simultaneouslyquantitates sixotherwater soluble vitaminswith
apparently adequate precision and accuracy, although four of these vitamins do not yet have SMPRs defined. The
folate determinedwith thismethod is added, free folate, not total folate.
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