Method Submissions-5th Set of Nutrients_6-30-14 - page 71

Figure 2: Configuration of 10-Port SwitchingValve
Dymethylsulfoxide, purissp.a.
Anthranilic acidamide, purum
Ammoniumacetate, p.a.
Sodium cyanoborohydride, purum
Formic acid,GR for analysis
AceticAcidanhydrous, GR for analysis
Acetonitrile,Gradient grade for LC
Ammoniumhydroxide solution, GR for analysis
18MΩwater isused throughout (referred toaswater)
Maltotriosemin. 95% (e.g. SigmaM8378; >95%)
Amyloglucosidase fromaspergilusniger; Roche: 11202367001
(m)Maltotriose standard stock solution (3.0µmol/mL):Weigh 75mg
5mg ofmaltotriose and
record the mass to 0.1mg. Dissolve with 40mL of water in a 50-mL volumetric flask and
complete to themarkwithwater.
Maltotriose standardworking solution (0.30µmol/mL): Pipette10.0mL ofmaltotriose stock
solution (m) ina100-mL volumetric flaskand complete to themarkwithwater.
Laminaritriose internal standard stock solution (1.2µmol/mL): Weigh 15mg
3mg of
Laminaritriose and record the mass to 0.1mg. Dissolve with 15 mL of water in a 25-mL
volumetric flaskand complete to themarkwithwater.
Laminaritriose internal standard working solution (0.3µmol/mL): Pipette 5.0mL of
Laminaritriose stock solution (o) in a 20-mL volumetric flask and complete to themarkwith
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