Central Eastern Europe GRIP 2017 |
4.3 Methodology
The CEE GRIP Regional N-1 analysis was prepared for the two scenarios of complete
gas supply disruption through Ukraine and Belarus. Only nine out of the ten
countries involved in the CEE GRIP are considered to be part of the analysed CEE
region (AT, BG, HR, CZ, HU, PL, RO, SK, and SI). Germany is not part of the analysis,
because not all TSOs from Germany are involved in the CEE GRIP. All entry points
with neighbouring countries out of the analysed CEE region are taken into account,
without any capacity reduction (with the exception of interconnection points with
Ukraine and Belarus, respectively). On the other hand, exit points with neighbour-
ing countries beyond the analysed CEE region are not taken into account
. The
supply corridors are defined by the route from the source to each country and flows
to neighbouring countries are determined as the rest of the gas volume after the
demand in the given country is covered. Another assumption for the analysis is that
only one direction of gas flow through one interconnection point is possible. If two
directions of gas flow through one interconnection point were possible, then one of
the following rules was applied:
a) If there exists a country which does not meet the security of supply criterion
according to REG 994/2010 (i. e. the result of the N-1 formula shall be equal to
or above 1), then the supply corridor which can help to meet the security of
supply criterion was chosen.
b) The direction of gas flow which can increase the N-1 result of a neighbouring
country with a smaller N-1 result than the export one, is chosen.
c) Where the direction of gas flow which should be used in the analysis was not
clear, then the flow to a country which had the potential to export gas to coun-
tries outside the analysed CEE region is chosen.
The analysis has been prepared for the following winter periods:
and the summer periods:
The N-1 formula used is presented below together with an explanation of all
parameters. The analysis only takes into consideration the infrastructure capacities,
as it assesses the infrastructure standards, not the supply standard. For planned
infrastructure projects, the High Infrastructure Scenario and the rule of full season
(winter October-March, summer April-September) in which the repercussion of the
infrastructure project fully applies was considered in the analysis.
If not stated otherwise, all input data for the analysis are taken from the TYNDP
2017. Input data used for the analysis are part of the CEE GRIP Annex C – Capaci-
ties for Regional N-1 analysis.
1) In the general rules of the calculation, there is one exception at the request of GAZ-SYSTEM. The exception concerns the
Poland - Lithuania Interconnection which is planned to bring SoS and market-related benefits mostly for the Baltic
States. Therefore, the exit flows from Poland to Lithuania are assumed in the calculations.