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Central Eastern Europe GRIP 2017 Winter period

From each country, entry capacities at each interconnection point, as well as the

withdrawal capacity of storage facilities, national production, domestic demand, and

exit capacities to neighbouring countries are used for the calculation of regional N-1.

After a matching/correction of entry and exit capacities of each interconnection point

(lesser-of rule), the surplus gas is allocated to neighbouring countries to meet the

domestic demand of countries which are “in need”. The N-1 value for winter is

calculated for each country by setting the interconnection points of the main supply

corridor to zero or to a minimum volume that an upstream country (next or nearer

to Ukraine/Belarus transport to a relevant interconnection point) is able to export. If

the investigated country has surplus gas after satisfying its demand for sharing, the

gas is then allocated to downstream countries, where necessary. These values are

used for the N-1 calculation as entries for a particular country. In case the N-1 value

is equal to or above 1, this means that the respective country is able to cover its own

demand in case of a gas supply disruption via Ukraine or Belarus. Under the

assumption that underground storage facilities are filled up during the summer

period (as the N-1 calculation assesses the infrastructure, not the supply standard),

the maximum deliverability has been applied. The stock levels of underground

storage facilities, as well as the duration of the disruption, have not been taken into

consideration in the winter formula.

The N-1 Formula for the winter period is based on REG 994/2010, when the

technical capacity of the single largest gas infrastructure in the original formula is

replaced by all interconnections with Ukraine (or Belarus respectively) in the

modified formula for the CEE GRIP.

Winter N-1 Formula:



All border entry points (transmission and LNG) capable of supplying gas

to the calculated area (GWh/d)


National production, entry capacity (GWh/d)


Storage, entry capacity (withdrawal) (GWh/d)


Domestic winter peak demand (1 in 20) (GWh/d)