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Corporate and social responsibility report

Annex III -

Being a responsible employer



2016 Registration Document

campaigns and programs

Interns and trainees recruitment


launched a career page on Jobteaser.

hiring of interns, trainees and young graduates, Worldline has

its employees with their career development. To boost the

Worldline thinks of itself as a learning organization that supports

develop their skills and knowledge of the world of business.

offering them interesting internship opportunities to help them

and leading schools (business and engineering schools) by

trainees and interns in order to attract students from universities

Human Resources has set up a recruitment campaign to hire

In order to be recognized as a first choice employer, Worldline’s

For 2016, Worldline received the Happy Trainees label, a system

employer objective that the Company has set for itself by 2020.

of the initiative designed to help achieve the responsible

initial recognition is a result of the action plans launched as part

integration, support and management of their trainees. This

that rewards companies which place a special emphasis on the


interns and trainees

[GRI 103-2

and partnerships to attract top-notch

Worldline’s best practices, programs


allows Worldline to synchronize the required profiles with the

This initiative arises from the recruitment policy of Worldline. It

geographies business opportunities.

business needs and create agility in new technologies and new

Campus Manager Program

on its Campus Manager Program since 2010.

Worldline’s strategy of relations with academia has been based

these partnerships.

aim of forming a community of about fifty members to manage

network of alumni and universities and major schools, with the

and manage the relationship between a volunteer internal

The Campus Manager Program is used to coordinate events

job interviews, etc.

technological platforms, organizing workshops to prepare for

The activities of the Worldline Campus Manager community are

students, participation in judging panels, lending Worldline’s

organizing visits to datacenters, round table discussions with

varied: participation in student forums, running conferences,

attendance at specific events, etc.). They bring people together,

(local relationships, communication about jobs and careers,

schools and the Company, they give talks about their careers

initiatives; they provide the link between universities and major

program: Campus Managers are the leaders of different

The Campus Managers play a decisive role in the success of the

but they are also the points of contact for ongoing initiatives.

and take responsibility for coordinating an internal community,

In 2016, a review was undertaken on the best way to continue to

technologies as a source of innovation for the Company.

new generations, and reinforce the integration of new

build on the program, enrich it, adapt it to the expectations of

the experience of working for Worldline.

university and provide information to interested students about

with the Campus Manager and to introduce Worldline in his/her

also the role of the Campus Student. The objective is to co-work

In 2017, in order to support the Campus Manager, there will be

community, both internally to attract and motivate Campus

communication and a dedicated logo for the Campus Manager

created with the universities and major schools.

Managers, and also externally to further develop the network

The Company makes available different means of

better shared knowledge and strengthen the ties between the

meetings (discussion groups, committees, etc.) contribute to

its advantages in terms of creativity and innovation. Regular

Company and the student world.

becomes the driver for transmitting the Company’s values and

regular and visible presence in his/her school/university, and so

Campus Manager from each school/university provides a

major schools with a link to Worldline’s core business. The

develop long-term relationships with leading universities and

This program has already borne fruit and made it possible to

Brand awareness to bring a differentiatedmessage

4 distinct pillars:

brand awareness in the marketplace. This strategy was built on

In 2016, Worldline began an extensive program to improve its

Talent attraction;

Talent development;



built around the brand with an emphasis on authenticity, plain

The campaign put in place to communicate these 4 pillars was

was very well received both internally and externally for its tone.

experiences and daily lives within the Company. The campaign

to rely on its employees to testify, talk about, and share their

and the everyday experience of its employees. Worldline chose

speech and concrete examples to promote the Company values

Worldline to capture student’s point of view and feedback that

and networking. These two surveys give the opportunity to

resources (career path, exciting challenges, close management)

the strong and weak points of the Company and in terms of

Happy Trainees survey that aim to have an integral overview of

are kay to be able to draw to new generations expectations.

Also, the Company has launched an internal survey and the

Graduate Day, Startup Day (status)

within a few days in order to secure the best talent).

tools compared to competitors (group hiring sessions/job offers

and operations managers, and tests that are the differentiating

individual interviews with the Human Resources department

small groups: introduction to the Company and its innovations,

This program is organized around recruitment sessions for