Corporate and social responsibility report
Annex III -
Being a responsible employer
2016 Registration Document
and [GRI 404-3]
My development withinWorldline: Growing@worldline
[GRI 404-2]
103-2 Training and Education]
Keeping skilled, enthusiastic and innovative people help to
to develop the employees’ skill sets.
profiles are an ideal fit with customer needs, and offers training
monitoring. Along with his team, he/she ensures that employee
appointed a manager in charge of skills and performance
development are a priority within Worldline. In 2016, Worldline
choice for clients. With this approach, employee careers and
maintain Worldline’s position as the business technologist of
Skills development
Personnel and annual talent reviews
Every year, employee interviews are held by HR managers in
performance appraisals and potential of each employee.
organization, and in the light of the developing skills and
changes in the business units in terms of activity, technologies,
prepare individual and/or collective career moves in view of
the entities. The purpose of these individual interviews is to
most of the countries where Worldline operates and in each of
might express and/or any prospects for mobility.
employee, their potential, their performance, and wishes they
document the strengths and areas for improvement of every
Worldline Group. Working with the HR team, managers
This annual meeting has a structure that is consistent across the
needed, particularly in terms of training.
possible successors, and to decide on any support that might be
possible career paths, high potentials, key skills, difficult jobs and
The information thus gathered makes it possible to identify
opportunities for mobility within the Company every year.
people progress, while offering numerous openings and
drive of the management teams and the desire to help our
More than 80% of action plans are implemented; this shows the
goal-setting discussions.
develop their skills and achieve their business goals. The
Performance management is key to enabling employees to
training courses to help them lead annual appraisals and
management. Moreover, managers can attend webinars and
year to remind them of the expected benefits of performance
communication campaign is sent to all the employees every
half-yearly updates between managers and employees. A full
Worldline performance management system allows for
The Individual Development Plan
development tool that enables every Worldline employee to
The Individual Development Plan is a personalized career and
the IDP:
prepare a suitable action plan. Support is provided to prepare
their managers as to the feasibility of those plans, and to
discuss their career aspirations and benefit from the advice of
take charge of his/her career plan. It allows employees to
develop Individual Development Plans;
Training is offered to enable employees and managers to
throughout the process:
are available for employees and managers to help them
User guides for the development of IDPs, as well as videos,
They reflect upon their career, skills and development
Discuss actions undertaken previously with their manager,
Together, draw up development objectives and the related
Business Partner (depending on the country).
And with their manager review the outcome with their HR
development of associated skills, has always been one of the
Worldline’s people. Technological innovation and, therefore, the
development of Worldline engineers and, more generally, of all
Innovation and technological expertise drive the continuous
careers is part of WellBeing@Worldline.
employees in order to enhance their skills throughout their
core values of Worldline. To provide opportunities for all the
the training and development options in Worldline. An
learning experience as well as the opportunity to hear about all
is an entire day dedicated to training. Employees are offered a
has been adopted in every Worldline country. The Learning Day
The “Learning Day” initiative, which began at Worldline Belgium,
operational needs of our business.
the knowledge and skills required to successfully meet the
environment has been created in which employees can access
workshops and information sessions. Global webinars have
one – or several – days of custom-made training courses,
discussion. Each country has developed its own program for
e-learning, discovering, meeting, self-testing, sharing and
scheduled, spread out over five categories, and included:
Learning Days in September
2016. Dozens of topics were
employee in Europe, Latin America, India and Asia Pacific.
been organized which could be followed by every Worldline
operates have joined this initiative, and they organized their own
Over the past few years, the 17 countries where Worldline