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2016 Registration Document

Capture strong cross-selling opportunities within existing customers


comprehensive positioning across the extended payment value

clients, to whom it may currently provide only a limited range of

chain to broaden and strengthen existing relationships with

array of end-to-end technology solutions across global business

its extensive services portfolio, by seeking to offer them its full

of ACS services in Asia. The Group will continue to increase the

lines. This strategy has already given first results, with the launch

solutions, Omni-Channel Commerce, Cloud ECR, payment

bundling or cross selling of its offers: targeting & marketing

acceptance & acquiring, accounting solutions. Additionally, in

extensive cross-selling opportunities afforded by its

The Group has begun and intends to continue to leverage the

the Atos group’s broad existing customer base.

Atos group to capture cross-selling opportunities deriving from

line with its strategy to enhance its international footprint, the

merchant clients with global operations, services in other

Group seeks to offer its existing customers, particularly its larger

Group currently has operations in those regions. Through its

geographic regions in which they operate, whether or not the

aims, over time, to provide the full range of services that it offers

globally centralized vertical organizational structure, the Group

regions in which it currently operates. The Group also plans to

through all of its global business lines in each of the geographic

leverage its relationship with and continued support from the

Extend international footprint


beyond, with a focus on emerging markets. The Group will seek

jurisdictions over time. In Europe, the Group intends both to

to extend the full breadth of it product offering to all of its

submarkets in which it currently occupies a leadership position,

consolidate its positions within the various payment services

within these countries by leveraging its ability to offer solutions

and to expand the scope of services and products that it offers

across the extended payment value chain.

A key component of the Group’s strategy is the consolidation

European markets in which it has traditionally operated and

and extension of its international presence, both within the

which it currently has a smaller footprint but sees significant

The Group also intends to expand in key regions in Europe in

and Central & Eastern Europe. All the while, the Group seeks to

growth potential, including the Nordics, United Kingdom, Iberia

competitors, particularly in Europe. This competitive advantage

maintain its distinct competitive advantage relative to its global

and compliant technology infrastructure locally, its local

stems from the Group’s ability to access and leverage secure

and the breadth of products and services that it offers across

on-the-ground knowledge of the countries in which it operates,

Ultimately, the Group aims to offer the full range of its services

portfolio in each of the countries in which it currently operates.

the payment value chain, which provides for extensive

business lines and geographic regions. For instance, the Group

cross-selling and expertise sharing opportunities across

more recently, its strategic alliance with Komercni banka (KB

launched its Commercial Acquiring business in Slovakia, and

activities in the Czech Republic. The acquisition of Paysquare

Smartpay) has enabled the Group to launch merchant services

brings the Group a significant presence in Germany in Merchant

reinforces the Group’s market position in the Netherlands,

Services and opportunities to expand further in Poland.

in which it currently operates is equally fundamental to its

The expansion of the Group’s footprint beyond the 22 countries

group’s extensive international footprint, the Group currently

growth strategy. To that end, by, in part, leveraging the Atos

Atos group operates, notably Northern America thanks to

extends its reach to the more than 72 countries in which the

and will seek to take full advantage of this additional reach going

former Xerox ITO business now integrated in the Atos group,


scale efficiencies

Leverage franchise and brand to attract new customers and optimize


expected to increasingly opt to outsource key functions to third

financial institutions, forced to reassess their cost structures, are

position within the European payments market and full range of

party payment service providers. Given its scale, leadership

Group is ideally positioned to expand its banking customer base

services offered across the extended payment value chain, the


by capitalizing on the accelerated outsourcing trend among

scale efficiencies, the Group intends to continue to develop its

As part of its strategy to attract new customers and optimize

its customer portfolio. Additionally, as regulatory changes alter

distributor and partner sales networks to drive the expansion of

the mechanics of the payment services industry in Europe,