Summer Drinks
Bottle, and for every glass of water t ake two
Half a teaspoonful of carbonate of sod a added
at the same time will make it effervesce.
Imperial Drinll
Put two ounces of cream of t art ar into a jug
with the juice and thin rind of two lemons ;
half a pound of loaf sugar and pour ove r the
four quarts of boiling water. When cold st ram
is improved by the addition of a g ill of
Cream Soda
Mix well two pounds of brown suga r and one
and a half pints of water. Add one and a h alf
grated nutmegs, half .an ounce of gum a ra bic, t en
drops of oil of lemon or extract of lemon, o r any
other flavouring, and the well-beat en whites of
five eggs.
Stir the mixture over a fire for thi rt y m inutes,
then strain it and divide it into t wo po rt ions.
Into one lot put four ounces of bi-carbonat e
of soda, and into the other three ounces of
tartaric acid.
Shake well. Cool and bottle separat ely.