Su 111111 er Dr in hs
Pour into a glass jug, and deco r::lt c \\· it h the
whole raspb erri es .
P eel three swee t oranges ::l nd boil the thin
rind with a p in t of \\·:1tcr :rnd ::l pound of \\·hite
sugar till it bt:comes a snup.
Then sq ueeze the jui ce of these ora nges ::l nd of
fift een others into a jug, strain it, ::lnd mix it
with the co ld sy rup. !\dd three pint s of cold
Mix well, and put on ice before se rving.
Another Orangeade
(To make a quart)
Cut up three ora nges into slices, sprinkle
them with six ounces of whit e suga r, and pour
over it a quart er of a pint of wa t er.
L eave, covered up, fo r h alf an hour , then stir
the mixture and add suffi cient cold \Nat er to
make a quart of liquid.
Strain it in an hour's time, and serve.