Summer Drinks
T o drink, three ta blcspoonsful of each should be
put into separa t e gb sses, with a third of a glass fu l
of cool wat er.
Aft er t hey have both been st irred, the cont ent s
of the two glasses should be mixed.
L ci110J1ade
Dissolve in a saucepan on t he fire six ounces
of sugar in a p int of ,,·ate r.
When it boils add a qu:ut er of a pint of fr esh
lemon juice :rnd a claret glass fu ll of sherry, or
sh erry t o tast e.
\Vhen cool, add t h ree quarte rs of a pint of cold
milk. Sti r well, st rain it t hrough a
and serve.
Claret Le111ouade
Squeeze t he juice of four lemons into a jug,
and dissolve in it three-quart ers of a cup of
powdered sugar, then add one pint of claret.
Pour into a glass j ug, put on ice, and add to it
one and a half pints of sparkling wa t er.
Italian L emonade
P eel t welve lemons very finely, and squeeze
the juice on to the rind, leaving it all night.