Silver. Fizz.
Use large bar glass.
One-half tablespoonful of sugar.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One wine-glass gin, dissolved well, with
squirt of whiskey.
One egg (white only).
Glass three-quarters full shaved ice.
Shake with shaker; strain in fizz glass;
fill from syphon, mix with spoon, and serve
quickly to be drank at once.
Eagle Fizz.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful of pulverized sugar.
Three dashes lemon juice.
The white of one egg.
One wine-glass of gin.
One dash Creme de Vanille.
Two dashes of Orange Flower water.
One dash of seltzer water.
Fine shaved ice.
Fill glass with rich milk; shake well and
strain; serve in same glass, but with thin
punch glass to drink from.
Telephone Fizz.
Use large bar glass,
Fill half full with fine ice. f,)'
One teaspoon sugar.
One pony glass French brandy.
One pony Maraschino.
One raw egg.
Shake well; strain in stem glass and fill
with seltzer.
Gin Crusta.
Gin Crusta is made in the same manner,
using gin instead of brandy.