stone Fence.
Use large bar glass.
One-fourth tablespoonful of powdered
Three or four spoonfuls of shaved ice
One wine-glass of whiskey.
One bottle of plain soda.
Stir up well with a spoon, remove the ice,
if cracked, and serve.
Gin Julep.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter tablespoonful of powdered
Three or four sprigs of mint.
One-half wine-glass water; mix well un
til the essence of mint is extracted, then
remove the mint.
Fill with fine ice.
One and a quarter wine-glass gin.
Stir with spoon; ornament with orange,
berries, etc., and serve with straws.
Whiskey Julep.
Whiskey Julep is made the same as the
regular Mint Julep, but whiskey is substitut
ed for brandy.
Soul Kiss.
One-sixth orange juice.
One-sixth Dubonnet.
One-third French Vermouth.
One-third rye whiskey.
One slic of orange.
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
Gin Buck.
Gin Buck is a Gin and Soda, with Lemon
Peel squeezed in glass, and a lump of ice.