Sauterne
Fizz.
One
teaspoonf
ul
fine
sugar
in
a
long
fizz-glass
add
three
dashes
lemon-juice,
one
and
a
half
jig-
ger
sauterne.
Mix
well
and
fill
the
glass
with
seltzer.
Silver
Fizz.
mixing-glass
half-full
fine
ice,
the
juice
of
half
a
lemon,
half
a
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
the
white
of
one
egg,
one
jigger
Tom
gin;
shake
well,
strain
into
a
fizz-glass,
fill
with
siphon
seltzer.
Drink
while
effervescent.
Soda
Fizz.
Mix
the
juice
of
one
lemon
with
one
tablespoon-
ful
fine
sugar
in
a
fizzglass,
fill
three-fourths
full
seltzer;
add
a
small
bar-spoonful
bicarbonate
of
soda.
Stir
and
drink
during
effervescence.
This
drink
is
a
good
stomach
settler.
St.
Croix
Fizz.
mixing-glass
half-full
fine
ice,
the
juice
of
half
a
lemon,
half
a
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
the
white
of
an
egg,
one
jigger
St.
Croix
rum,
shake
well,
strain
into
fizz-glass,
fill
with
siphon
seltzer.