Rum
Flip.
Prepare
same
as
Sherry
Flip,
using
the
kind
of
rum
desired
by
the
customer
in
place
of
sherry.
Sherry
Flip.
Break
a
fresh
egg
into
a
mixing-glass;
add
one
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
fill
the
glass
half-full
of
fine
ice,
add
one
and
a
half
jigger
of
sherry
;
shake
well,
strain
into
a
fancy
bar-glass.
Serve
with
a
little
grated
nutmeg
on
top.
Whiskey
Flip.
Prepare
in
the
same
manner
as
Sherry
Flip,
sub-
stituting
whiskey
for
sherry.
Yankee
Flip.
Prepare
in
the
same
manner
as
Sherry
Flip,
using
one
jigger
apple
brandy
in
place
of
sherry.
Floster.
Place
a
few
lumps
of
ice
in
a
glass
pitcher,
add
half
a
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
two
jiggers
sherry,
one
jigger
noyau,
a
few
slices
of
lemon
and
orange,
one
bottle
plain
soda
;
mix.
Put
a
few
sprigs
fresh
mint
on
top.
Brandy
Float.
Fill
a
pony-glass
with
brandy,
put
a
thin
whis-
key-glass
over
it,
rim
down
;
reverse
the
glasses,