Hot
Locomotive.
Beat
up
the
yolk
of
one
egg
in
a
small
saucepan
with
one
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
one
pony
of
honey,
four
dashes
orange
curagoa,
one
and
a
half
jiggers
claret.
Put
on
fire,
let
it
come
to
the
boil-
ing
point
;
mix
well.
Serve
in
a
mug,
add
a
slice
of
lemon.
Hot
Milk
Punch.
Put
into
a
long
thin
punch-glass
one
tablespoon-
ful
fine
sugar,
half
a
jigger
brandy,
half
a
jigger
St.
Croix
rum,
fill
with
hot
milk;
mix
and
grate
a
little
nutmeg
on
top.
Hot
Scotch.
Dissolve
one
lump
of
cut-loaf
sugar
with
a
little
hot
water
in
a
hot-drink
glass,
add
one
jigger
Scotch
whiske}^
and
a
small
piece
lemon-peel,
fill
with
boiling
water;
mix,
grate
a
little
nutmeg
on
top.
Hot
Scotch
Punch.
Prepare
same
as
Hot
Brandy
Punch,
substituting
Scotch
whiskey
for
brandy.
Hot
Whiskey
Sling.
One
lump
of
sugar
in
a
hot-drink
glass
half-full
boiling
water,
add
one
jigger
of
whiskey,
a
small
piece
lemon-peel;
mix
and
grate
a
little
nutmeg
on
top.