Cup Claret a la Wilbcrforce.
2 bottles Claret.
1 bottle Champagne.
1 wineglass Maraschino.
Flavor with sprigs of borage and halm,
and sugar to taste.
Ice well. Before serving, add 2 bottles
Seltzer Water.
Cup Crimean a la Wyndham. For a Party of
1 bottle Champagne.
2 bottles Soda Water.
1 large wineglass Maraschino.
Yl large wineglass each Curacoa and
1 tablespoon crushed loaf sugar.
Macerate the thinly peeled rind of one-
half orange with the sugar. Add the Mara
schino, Cognac, and Curacoa. Mix thorough
ly. Then add the Soda Water and Cham
pagne and finally one-half pound ice. Serve.
Cup Delight.
1 cup black Coffee.
1 drink Brandy.
1 tablespoon Ice Cream.
Mix well and serve in 6-ounce glass.
Cup Porter.
1 bottle Porter.
1 bottle Ale.
1 glass Brandy.
1 dessert spoon ginger syrup.
3 or 4 lumps sugar.
1/2 nutmeg, grated.
1 teaspoon bi-carbonate of soda.
1 cucumber, grated.
Mix well. Pack in ice for one-half hour.
Strain before serving.
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