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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


2 - A Statistical Learning Approach to Personalization in

Revenue Management

Zachary Owen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77

Massachusetts Ave, E40-149, Cambridge, MA, 02139, United

States of America,,

David Simchi-levi, Xi Chen,

Clark Pixton

We develop a framework for modeling personalized decision problems which

gives a data driven algorithm for revenue maximization using contextual

information. We apply our method to pricing and assortment optimization. We

prove a high-probability bound on the gap between the revenue of the estimated

policy and the revenue generated under full knowledge of the demand

distribution. We demonstrate the performance of our method on both airline

seating data and simulated data.

3 - Uncovering Hidden Decision Processes through Integration of

Independent Databases

Nooshin Valibeig, Northeastern University,

334 Snell Engineering, Boston, MA, 02115, United States of


, Jacqueline Griffin

Data is a key driver in analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of decision

processes. We develop an algorithm to uncover hidden information about

decision processes in resource allocation systems. Specifically, the algorithm joins

event-oriented and snapshot-in-time databases to extract new knowledge about

decision processes. The precision and robustness of the algorithm is quantified

with simulated data. A case study with hospital patient flow data is presented.

4 - Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Regret Minimization in

Structured Markov Decision Processes

Theja Tulabandhula, Xerox Research Centre India, Bangalore,

Bangalore, India,

, Prabuchandran K. J.,

Tejas Bodas

For several RL problems the optimal policy of the underlying Markov Decision

Process (MDP) is characterized by a known structure. We develop new RL

algorithms that exploit the structure of the optimal policy to minimize regret.

Numerical experiments on MDPs with structured optimal policies show that our

algorithms have better performance than current state of the art, are easy to

implement, have a smaller run-time, can be parallelized and require less number

of random number generations.


32-Room 409, Marriott

Special Topics in Supervised Learning: Variable

Selections and Dimension Reductions

Sponsor: Data Mining

Sponsored Session

Chair: Chaojiang Wu, Drexel University, 727 Gerri LeBow Hall, 3220

Market Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, United States of America,

1 - Sparse Nonlinear Feature Selection by Locally

Discriminative Constraints

Chuanren Liu, Assistant Professor, Drexel University, 3220

Market St, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, United States of America,,

Kai Zhang

We present an approach to sparse nonlinear feature selection for K-nearest

neighbor (KNN) classification. First, the factors for selecting feature are optimized

with locally discriminative constraints, which encourage smaller distances

between neighbors from the same class and larger distances between neighbors

from different classes. Then, we use lasso to achieve the sparse feature selection.

We also show an interesting connection between our formulation and the support

vector machines (SVMs).

2 - Maximum Tangent Likelihood Estimation and Robust

Variable Selection

Yichen Qin, Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, 2925

Campus Green Dr., Cincinnati, OH, 45221, United States of


, Yan Yu, Yang Li, Shaobo Li

In this article, we propose a new class of likelihood function, called Tangent

Likelihood function, that can be used to obtain robust estimates, termed as

Maximum Tangent Likelihood Estimator (MtLE). We show that the MtLE is root-

n consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. Furthermore, we consider

robust variable selection based on our proposed tangent likelihood function. The

proposed MtLE-Lasso can perform robust estimation and variable selection

simultaneously and consistently.

3 - Pseudo Sufficient Dimension Reduction

Wenbo Wu, University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business,

Eugene, OR, 97403, United States of America,

We propose a new concept of pseudo sufficient dimension reduction based on an

underlying relationship between ridge regression and measurement error

regression. With such a connection, we propose a general sufficient dimension

reduction estimation procedure to obtain an estimate from a different subspace

instead of the targeted population parameter space. Variable selection based on

pseudo estimate works effectively for both highly correlated predictors and for the

small n large p problem.

4 - Structured Multitask Feature Selection

Fei Wang, Associate Professor, University of Connecticut,

371 Fairfield Way, Unit 4155, Storrs, CT, 06269,

United States of America,

Identification of important features for specific tasks is an important problem in

modern data analytics. In this talk, I will focus on the multitask feature selection

problem, where multiple related tasks are considered simultaneously and the

important features for each task is selected. I propose a structured optimization

approach, where similar tasks share similar important feature set. I applied the

proposed approach for risk factor identification in Comprehensive Geriatric



33-Room 410, Marriott

Statistics and Optimization Methods for Pain


Sponsor: Health Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Jay Rosenberger, Associate Professor, University of Texas at

Arlington, Box 19017 UT, Arlington, TX, 76019,

United States of America,

1 - Iterative Data Imputation for Adaptive Pain Management

Yeqing Li, University of Texas Arlington, P.O. Box 19017,

Arlington, TX, 76019, United States of America,,

Junzhou Huang

Pain management is a major global health problem. Many efforts have been

devoted to developing data-driven decision models. However, the raw data is

usually subject to various levels of missing. The missing values in data limit the

quality and quantity of data and additionally limit the performance of the

decision models. To address this problem, we proposed an iterative data

imputation algorithm, which can accurately recover various kinds of missing


2 - Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting for Adaptive

Interdisciplinary Pain Management

Victoria Chen, The University of Texas at Arlington, Dept. of Ind.,

Manuf., & Sys. Engr., Campus Box 19017, Arlington, TX, 76019,

United States of America,

, Li Zeng,

Aera Leboulluec, Robert Gatchel

We present a process based on the inverse probability of treatment weighting

method to address the endogeneity while estimating state transition and outcome

models for a two-stage adaptive interdisciplinary pain management program.

First, a method is developed for independent treatments then a general method is

developed for correlated treatments.

3 - Two-stage Feature Selection for Efficient Modeling of Pain

Management Data

Rohit Rawat, University of Texas Arlington, P.O. Box 19017,

Arlington, TX, 76019, United States of America,

, Michael Manry

We use data from a pain management study in which treatment variables and

two pain intensity metrics were recorded in two treatment stages. Data sets for

the 235 subjects had 899 features for stage one and 1889 for stage two. A two-

stage feature selection algorithm was developed that fits a piecewise linear

network to the data, and removes useless inputs. We prevent overfitting through

the use of random probes and regularization. The method results in smaller

datasets and reduced testing error.
