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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


3 - Parallel Algorithms for MIP Feasibility

Lluís Miquel Munguía, Georgia Institute of Technology, 266 Ferst

Drive, Room 1343, Atlanta, GA, 30332, United States of America,,

Shabbir Ahmed, David A. Bader,

George L. Nemhauser, Yufen Shao

We present highly parallelizable methods for obtaining feasible solutions to Mixed

Integer Programming (MIP) instances. The use of several relaxations allows us to

leverage parallelism to successfully obtain feasibile solutions to large-scale

instances. We give computational results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the

parallel algorithms.

4 - Facets for Continuous Multi-mixing Set with General Coefficients

and Bounded Integer Variables

Kiavash Kianfar, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University,

TAMU 3131, College Station, TX, 77843-3131,

United States of America,,

Manish Bansal

Bansal and Kianfar developed facet-defining inequalities for continuous multi-

mixing set where the coefficients satisfy certain conditions. We first generalize

their inequalities for the continuous multi-mixing set with general coefficients

and show that they are facet-defining in many cases. Next, we introduce a family

of valid inequalities for the continuous multi-mixing set with general coefficients

and bounded integer variables, and investigate their facet-defining properties.


12-Franklin 2, Marriott

Strong Relaxations and Computations for Mixed

Integer Nonlinear Programs

Sponsor: Optimization/Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization and

Global Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Jeff Linderoth, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1513

University Avenue, Madison, WI, 53706-1572,

United States of America,

1 - Convex Hull of Two Quadratic or a Conic Quadratic and a

Quadratic Inequality

Sina Modaresi, Discover/University of Pittsburgh, 2402 W

Beardsley Road, Phoenix, AZ, United States of America,

, Juan Pablo Vielma

We consider an aggregation technique introduced by Yildiran [2009] to study the

convex hull of regions defined by two quadratic or by a conic quadratic and a

quadratic inequality. We show how this technique can be used to yield valid conic

quadratic inequalities for the convex hull of sets defined by two quadratic or by a

conic quadratic and a quadratic inequality. We also show that in many cases,

these valid inequalities characterize the convex hull exactly.

2 - Relaxations and Heuristics for the General Multiple Nonlinear

Knapsack Problem

Luca Mencarelli, CNRS LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau,

91120, France,


Claudia D’ambrosio, Silvano Martello

We consider the multiple mixed-integer nonlinear knapsack problem. These

problems are very difficult to solve, both from a theoretical and a practical

viewpoint. We analyze different relaxations and extend known theoretical results

for the multiple linear knapsack problem. Moreover, we propose fast constructive

heuristic algorithms and a local search procedure.

3 - Recent Advances in CPLEX for Mixed Integer

Nonlinear Optimization

Pierre Bonami, IBM, Santa Hortensia 26, Madrid, Spain,

, Andrea Tramontani

We present some of the new algorithmic techniques that have been recently

added to the IBM CPLEX solver to address nonlinear optimization models. We

focus in particular on mixed integer second order cone programming and

quadratic optimization. We present extensive computational analysis to assess the

performance gain from these techniques.

4 - Strong Convex Nonlinear Relaxations of the Pooling Problem

Jeff Linderoth, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1513 University

Avenue, Madison, Wi, 53706-1572, United States of America,

, Jim Luedtke, Claudia D’ambrosio

We investigate convex relaxations for the pooling problem. We characterize the

extreme points of the convex hull of our non-convex set, and we derive valid

nonlinear convex inequalities. Computational results demonstrate that the

inequalities can significantly strengthen the convex relaxation of even the most

sophisticated formulations of the pooling problem.


13-Franklin 3, Marriott

Uncertainty in Energy and Natural Resource Systems

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Alexandra Newman, Professor, Colorado School of Mines,

Mechanical Engineering, Golden, CO, 80401, United States of America,

1 - Complementarity Effects Between Wind and Hydro in the Context

of Power Generation Scheduling

Anderson Rodrigo De Queiroz, Assistant Professor, Federal

University of Itajubá, 1303 BPS Avenue, Itajubá, MG, 37500000,


, Saulo Ribeiro Silva,

Luana Marangon Lima

We present a computational model able to determine the optimal economic

generation scheduling in a system with hydro, thermal and wind power plants.

Our model takes into account the stochastic nature of wind speed and its

complementarity with water inflows. We use sampling-based decomposition

algorithms to solve such model and present results for a case study. Our analysis

suggests that complementary is relevant and should be taken into consideration

during the scheduling of generators.

2 - Global Thermal Coal Optimization under Uncertainty

Ashley Arigoni, PhD Candidate, Colorado School of Mines,

1500 Illinois St, Golden, CO, 80401, United States of America,

Our objective is to minimize the cost to ship thermal coal to global fill demand

while respecting import and export port capacities, ship size constraints, and coal

specification requirements under spot market price uncertainty. Coal blending is

allowed at demand nodes to meet coal specification requirements. We develop a

two-stage stochastic model in which forward purchases are made before spot

market uncertainties are realized.

3 - Mitigating Uncertainties with Stochastic Decomposition:

Applications in Operations Management.

Yifan Liu, University of Southern California, 3715 McClintock

Ave, GER 240, Los Angeles, CA, 90089, United States of America,,

Suvrajeet Sen

Uncertainties are common in operation and production management. In this talk,

we will discuss applying stochastic decomposition for solving a wide range of

operations management applications including single period multi-products

inventory problem, multi-location transhipment problem and process flexibility

design problem. The first two problems are modeled as two-stage stochastic linear

programs while the last one contains first stage binary variables.

4 - Quantifying Uncertainty in an Optimization Model using

Exponential EPI-spline Density Estimation

Michael Teter, Ltc, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 80401,

United States of America,

Using a capital budgeting optimization model, we explore fusing hard and soft

information through constrained nonparametric density estimation in order to

quantify the uncertainty of the future. A comparison of solutions from data sets

derived from traditional distributions and those derived from epi-splines

demonstrate the benefits of nonparametric density estimation. These solutions

prescribe a set of technologies in which the U.S. Army should invest to maximize



14-Franklin 4, Marriott

Topics in Dynamic Programming

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Francesca Maggioni, Assistant Professor, University of Bergamo,

Via dei Caniana n 2, Bergamo, 24127, Italy,

1 - ADP for Risk-Averse Markov Decision Processes using Dynamic

Quantile-Based Risk Measures

Daniel Jiang, Princeton University, Sherrerd Hall,

Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ, 08540, United States of America,

, Warren Powell

We consider Markov decision process (MDP) for which the objective is to

minimize a quantile-based risk measure of the sequence of future costs. In

particular, we consider dynamic risk measures constructed using the one-step

quantile (VaR) and the one-step conditional value at risk (CVaR). We propose

simulation-based approximate dynamic programming (ADP) algorithms, modeled

after Q-learning, and apply the algorithms in the context of an application in the

energy market.
