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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


2 - Generalized Sequential Assignment Problem

Arash Khatibi, University of Illinois, 201 North Goodwin Avenue,

Urbana, IL, United States of America,


Sheldon Jacobson

The Sequential Stochastic Assignment Problem (SSAP) assigns sequentially

arriving tasks with stochastic parameters to workers with fixed success rates so as

to maximize the total expected reward. This paper uses the Secretary Problem to

propose assignment policies for the SSAP, when there is no prior information on

task values. This paper also discusses the Doubly Stochastic Sequential

Assignment Problem (DSSAP), which is an extension of SSAP with the workers’

success rates assumed to be random.

3 - Stochastic Versus Dynamic Programming for a Transportation

Procurement Problem

Francesca Maggioni, Assistant Professor, University of Bergamo,

Via dei Caniana n 2, Bergamo, 24127, Italy,

, Luca Bertazzi

We consider the problem of a producer which has to ship a load to a customer at

discrete times and fixed horizon. Different companies offer a transportation price

with realization available at the end of the time period. A penalty is paid for the

quantity that remains to be sent. We consider two variants of the problem: the

minimum expected cost and the min-max total cost. We compare the

performance of stochastic and dynamic programming approaches. Theoretical

worst-case results are provided.

4 - Data-driven Schemes for Resolving Misspecified MDPs:

Asymptotics and Error Analysis

Hao Jiang, UIUC, 104 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL,

United States of America,,

Uday Shanbhag

We consider the solution of a finite-state infinite horizon Markov Decision Process

(MDP) in which both the transition matrix and the cost function are misspecified,

the latter in a parametric sense. Learning-enhanced value and policy iteration

schemes are proposed and shown to be convergent almost surely. Finally, we

present a constant steplength misspecified Q-learning scheme and provide an

error analysis.


15-Franklin 5, Marriott

Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms

Sponsor: Optimization/Nonlinear Programming

Sponsored Session

Chair: Frank E. Curtis, Lehigh University, 200 W Packer Ave,

Bethlehem, PA, 18015, United States of America,

1 - A Stochastic Programming Model for Nurse Staffing in Post-

Anesthesia Recovery Units

Yueling Loh, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles

Street, Baltimore, MD, 21218, United States of America,

, Sauleh Siddiqui, Daniel Robinson

We present a stochastic programming model to determine nurse staffing

requirements in Post-Anesthesia Recovery Units under high variability in patient

flow and length-of-stay. We will formulate the problem as a two-stage stochastic

mixed integer program and provide some numerical results.

2 - Distributed Parallel Coordinate Descent Methods for Sparse

Inverse Covariance Problem

Seyedalireza Yektamaram, Lehigh University, Mohler Laboratory,

200 West Packer Ave, Bethlehem, PA, 18015, United States of


Katya Scheinberg

In graphical models, recovering the structure of underlying graph corresponding

to conditional dependencies of random variables is of great importance,which is

obtained by recovering the corresponding Sparse Inverse Covariance matrix.

However, as the problem size grows larger, efficiency of most solution approaches

reduce significantly, thus using distributed parallel techniques becomes essential.

Here we explore distributed parallel coordinate descent methods to solve this

problem efficiently.

3 - A Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization Algorithm with Global

Convergence Guarantees

Frank E. Curtis, Lehigh University, 200 W Packer Ave,

Bethlehem, PA, 18015, United States of America,

, Xiaocun Que

An algorithm for minimizing nonconvex nonsmooth objective functions is

presented. The algorithm is based on a BFGS strategy, enhanced with gradient

sampling mechanisms to ensure convergence to a stationary point with

probability one. An open source C++ implementation of the algorithm is also

described along with results for a set of test problems.


16-Franklin 6, Marriott

New Optimization Modeling and Effective Techniques

Sponsor: Optimization/Linear and Conic Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Jiming Peng, Associate Professor, University of Houston, UH,

Dept of Industrial engineering, Engineering Bldg 2 221A., Houston, TX,

77204, United States of America,


1 - Dropconnect in Deep Learning via Lagrangian

Diego Klabjan, Professor,,

Mark Harmon

Dropconnect is a regularization technique for deep neural nets when random

weights are enforced to be zero. We present a Lagrangian-based algorithm for

restricting weight values.

2 - New Global Algorithm for Linearly Constrained

Quadratic Programming

Jiming Peng, Associate Professor, University of Houston, UH, Dept

of Industrial engineering, Engineering Bldg 2 221A., Houston, TX,

77204, United States of America,

How to find the global optimal solution to LCQP has been a long-standing

challenge in optimization. In this talk, we introduce a new design framework for

LCQP that integrates several simple effective optimization techniques such as

Lagrangian methods, Alternate update method, convex relaxation, initialization

and partitioning. We establish the global convergence of the algorithm and

estimate its complexity. Promising numerical results for large-scale LCQPs will be


3 - An Optimization Perspective on Systemic Risk

Aein Khabazian, PhD Student/research Assistant, Univirsity of

Houston, UH, Dept of Industrial engineering, Engineering Bldg 2,

Houston, TX, 77204, United States of America,

, Jiming Peng, Aida Khayatian

We consider the issue of assessing the systemic risk under uncertainty in a

financial system based on the model proposed by Eisenberg and Noe, in which

the interbank liabilities are assumed to be known, and the non-interbank assets

are assumed to be constant. However, in real world application this information is

typically unknown or subject to market fluctuation. In this regard, we develop

robust optimization and worst case optimization to account for the uncertainties

in the constraints.


17-Franklin 7, Marriott

Transportation Network Modeling and Optimization

Sponsor: Optimization/Network Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Vladimir Stozhkov, University of Florida, 2330 SW Williston Rd

Apt 2826, Gainesville, FL, 32608, United States of America,

1 - A Distributed Hierarchal Shortest Path Algorithm for Large-Scale

Transportation Networks

Ala Alnawaiseh, Postdoctoral Researcher, Southern Methodist

University, 3101 Dyer St.,, #219, Dallas, TX, 75205,

United States of America,,

Khaled Abdelghany, Hossein Hashemi

This paper presents a distributed hierarchical shortest path algorithm for large-

scale transportation networks. The algorithm integrates a network augmentation

as well as a divide-and-conquer techniques to solve the all-to-all shortest path

problem in a distributed fashion. Preliminary results that illustrate the superiority

of the algorithm are presented.

2 - How to Design an Effective Off-hour Delivery (OHD) Program:

A Network Design Perspective

Sevgi Erdogan, Faculty Research Associate, University of

Maryland-NCSG, 1112 J Preinkert Field House, College Park, MD,

20742, United States of America,,

Jiangtao Liu, Wenbo Fan, Xuesong Zhou

The OHD has been considered as an effective policy to overcome the negative

externalities like congestion due to freight traffic in urban areas during business

hours. This study proposes a network design approach to determine links to be

restricted for truck traffic to shift truck demand to off-hours and routes to less

congested areas so that the maximum benefit from an OHD program can be

achieved. The approach will guide cities in implementing effective OHD programs.
