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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


3 - Engineering Sustainable Complex Coevolutionary

Agricultural Systems

Dr Alejandro N. Martinez-Garcia, Professor, Instituto Tecnologico

del Valle de Morelia-Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico, km 6.5

Carretera Morelia-Salamanca s/n, Col. Los Angeles, Morelia,

58100, Mexico,

Achieving sustainability (including food security) under the dynamic conditions

of climatic change, increasing human population, and poverty reduction, while

preserving the ability of ecosystems to provide the services on which humanity

depends, implies the need for solving multi-objective optimization problems,

under a new paradigm: sustainable complex coevolutionary systems engineering.

4 - A Multi-objective Mathematical Programming Analysis of Forest

Carbon Management

Midhun Mohan (Mickey), Graduate Student Researcher, North

Carolina State University, 15404 Bragaw Hall, Raleigh, NC,

27607, United States of America,,

Henrique Scolforo, Jean Chung, Juan Posse, Tiantian Shen,

Bruno Kanieski, Joseph Roise, Glenn Catts, Kevin Harnish

This study analyzes the valuation and production possibilities on a working forest

using Multi-objective programming, Woodstock, Timber NPV, and Carbon Storage

and Sequestration, and present a forest management model for optimizing Net

Present Value (NPV) and carbon sequestration at Hofmann forest.


28-Room 405, Marriott

Advances in Auction Theory

Cluster: Auctions

Invited Session

Chair: Benjamin Lubin, Asst. Professor, Boston University,

595 Commonwealth Ave, 621A, Boston, Ma, 02215,

United States of America,

1 - Are you going to do that? Contingent-payment Mechanisms to

Improve Coordination

David C. Parkes, Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,

United States of America,,

Hongyao Ma,

Reshef Meir, James Zou

We consider coordination problems, such as allocating the right to use a shared

sports facility or picking the time of a meeting. Outcomes are designated as either

good or bad (is the facility used, will people show up?), and the goal is to attain

good outcomes. Reports in period zero about agents’ uncertain values are used to

design a choice set for agents in period one, defining also payments that depend

on agents’ actions (e.g., using the facility.)

2 - Efficient Interdependent Value Combinatorial Auctions with Single

Minded Bidders

Valentin Robu, Assistant Professor, Heriot-Watt University,

Edinburgh, School Eng. & Physical Sciences, EM3.15,

Riccarton Campus, Edinburgh, EH144AS, United Kingdom,

, David C. Parkes, Takayuki Ito,

Nicholas R. Jennings

We study the design of efficient auctions where bidders have interdependent

values, that depend on signals of other bidders. In particular, we consider a

contingent bid model in which bidders may explicitly condition the value of their

bids on the bids submitted by others. We derive constraints which allows the

efficient second price, fixed point auction to be implemented in single-minded

CAs, and present an alternative mechanism for cases in which the required single

crossing condition fails.

3 - New Core-selecting Payment Rules with Better Fairness and

Incentive Properties

Sven Seuken, Assistant Professor Of Computation And

Economics, University of Zurich, Binzmuhlestrasse 14, Zurich,

ZH, 8050, Switzerland,

, Benjamin Lubin,

Benedikt Bönz

We introduce four “Small” rules, which are new core-selecting payment rules for

combinatorial auctions. Via a Bayes-Nash equilibrium analysis, we first show for a

domain with 2 goods and 3 bidders, that one of our rules outperforms the state-

of-the-art Quadratic rule along all dimensions (efficiency, incentives, fairness, and

revenue). We then use a computational approach to evaluate 85 different rules in

a setting with 25 goods and 10 bidders, and show that our new rules still perform


4 - A Faster Algorithm for Computing Prices in Core-selecting

Combinatorial Auctions

Benjamin Lubin, Asst Professor, Boston University, 595

Commonwealth Ave, 621A, Boston, Ma, 02215, United States of


, Benedikt Bunz, Sven Seuken

We present a new, faster algorithm for the computationally hard problem of

pricing core-selecting combinatorial auctions. First, we provide an alternative

definition of the core using weakly stronger constraints. Using these, we offer two

new algorithmic techniques that 1) exploit separabililty in allocative conflicts

between bidders, and 2) leverage non-optimal solutions. Using large auction

instances we show that our algorithm is between 2 and 4 times faster than the

current state of the art.


29-Room 406, Marriott

Baseball Analytics

Sponsor: Analytics

Sponsored Session

Chair: Sean Barnes, University of Maryland, 4352 Van Munching Hall,

University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742, United States of


Co-Chair: Margret Bjarnadottir, Assistant Professor of Management

Science and Statistics, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of

Maryland, 4324 Van Munching Hall, College Park, MD, 20742,

United States of America,

1 - The Effectiveness of Dynamic Pricing Strategies on Single-game

Ticket Revenue in Baseball

Joseph (Jiaqi) Xu, The Wharton School, University of

Pennsylvania, 3730 Walnut Street, Suite 500, Philadelphia, PA,

United States of America,,

Peter Fader, Senthil Veeraraghavan

We develop a comprehensive demand model for single-game tickets that can be

used to predict revenue associated with a particular pricing strategy over the

course of sport season. We apply the model to actual sales and pricing data from

an anonymous MLB franchise during a recent baseball season and evaluate the

effectiveness of the dynamic pricing policy. We propose pricing heuristics and find

that optimized dynamic pricing policy can improve revenue by 14.3% compared

to a flat pricing policy.

2 - Pitch Sequence Complexity and Long-Term Pitcher Performance

Joel Bock, Booz Allen Hamilton, 901 15th Street NW,

Washington, DC, United States of America,

Patterns of a baseball pitcher’s pitch type sequencing can be learned by machine

learning models trained on historical data. Individual pitch-wise predictability is

connected with broader performance statistics (ERA, FIP) by a regression model

that may be used to forecast player performance. Less complexity correlates with

higher values of ERA and FIP. This talk outlines the analytical approach and

presents results from a study of Major League Baseball pitchers covering three

recent seasons.

3 - The Value of Positional Flexibility

Timothy Chan, University of Toronto, 5 King’s College Road,

Toronto, ON, M5S 3G8, Canada,


Douglas Fearing

Drawing from the theory of production flexibility in manufacturing networks, we

provide the first optimization-based analysis of the value of positional flexibility

(the ability of a player to play multiple positions) for a major league baseball team

in the presence of injury risk. Using publicly available data on baseball player

performance, we derive novel baseball-related insights that can be generalized to

the manufacturing context.

4 - A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Modeling Called Strikes in

Major League Baseball

Abraham Wyner, Professor, University of Pennsylvania, The

Wharton School, University of Pennsy, 400 JMHH, Philadelphia,

Pe, 19104, United States of America,


Sameer Deshpande

We measure a catcher’s ability to “frame” a pitch. The effect exists, but there

remains debate on the effect size. We introduce a systematically constructed,

parametric Bayesian hierarchical model for the probability of a called strike. Our

model adjusts, accounts borrows strength from data on all participants. By sharing

information across all participants we are able to accurately quantify the player’s

framing effect on a pitch and translate that effect into runs added across a season.
