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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


4 - Gaussian Limits for Many-server Queues with Arrival

Dependent Services

Guodong Pang, Assistant Professor, Penn State University,

363 Leonhard Bldg, University Park, PA, 16802,

United States of America,

, Yuhang Zhou

We consider many-server queues whose service time distributions depend on the

arrival times. We prove heavy traffic limits for the queue length processes in the

many-server regimes. We obtain Gaussian approximations for the transient

distributions of queue lengths in these systems.


24-Room 401, Marriott

Meet the Editors

Cluster: Globalization and International Activities

Invited Session

Chair: Grace Lin, Data Analytic Technology and Applications (DATA),

Data Analytic Technology and Applications (DATA), Taipei, Taiwan -


1 - Introduction to Journal of Quality Technology (JQT)

Fugee Tsung, Prof., HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,

Hong Kong - PRC,

JQT is the flagship journal published by American Society for Quality (ASQ); JQT

has been one of the most cited journals in the areas of industrial engineering,

management science, and statistics.

2 - Introduction to Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering

Kuo-Hao Chang, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan,


Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering (JIPE) is an international,

refereed journal devoted to the publication of high quality research contributions

for the industrial engineering community. Its scope includes Operations Research

and Soft Computing, Quality and Applied Statistics, Manufacturing Automation

and e-Business, Human Factors and HCI, Information Technology and

Management, Industrial Technology and Management, Product Lifecycle

Management, Production and Operations Management.

3 - Some Facts about the European Journal of Operational

Research (EJOR)

Roman Slowinski, Prof., Poznan University of Technology, Pl.

Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie 5, Poznan, PL, 60-965, Poland,

The Coordinating Editor of EJOR will give some characteristics of the journal, and

will explain the editorial approach to evaluation and selection of articles. He will

also point out topics of OR which recently raised the highest interest.


25-Room 402, Marriott

Online Search, Social Network and Advertisement

Sponsor: Information Systems

Sponsored Session

Chair: Harpreet Singh, University of Texas at Dallas, 800 West Campbell

Road, Richardson, United States of America,

1 - Distances and Brands: An Empirical Analysis of Mobile

Local Search

Yi-jen Ho, PhD Candidate, University of California, Irvine,

Merage School of Business, Irvine, CA, 92617, United States of


Sanjeev Dewan

In this paper, we study mobile local search, focusing on user click-through

behavior as a function of distance, search rank and brand popularity. We

implement a hierarchical Bayes model on a unique data of local search data from

a major mobile carrier. We find CTR is positively related to brand popularity,

search rank and screen position (e.g., above or below the scroll) while negatively

related to distance.

2 - A Dynamic Social Network Advertisement Allocation in a Fuzzy

Multi-Segmented Environment

Yingying Kang, Principal Or Consultant, Sabre Inc.,

1409 Huntington Dr, Richardson, TX, 75080,

United States of America,

Advertisement is a major contribution to the revenue of social network sites.

Therefore, how to optimally allocate the advertisements in the social network is

significant. Advertisers tend to post ads on highly influential sites with no fixed

schedule, which adds the complexity in managing the advertiser segmentation.

This presentation introduces a dynamic advertisement allocation model based on

the fuzzy multi-advertiser segmentation and generates the maximum revenue for

the network.

3 - Inferring Demographic Attributes of Users from

Web Browsing History

Satish V, Sr. Data Scientist, Maxpoint Interactive,

3020 Carrington Mill Blvd, Morrisville, United States of America,

Demographic information such as gender, age, income etc. of online users can

make digital advertisements more personalized to users. However, such

information not available when advertising through online ad exchange

networks. In this talk we present a probablistic framework to infer these

demographic data using aggregate domain-level data and user-level web browsing

behavior. Simulation and validation using ground-truth data showed the model

accuracy to be over 80%.


26-Room 403, Marriott

Industry Job Search Panel

Cluster: INFORMS Career Center

Invited Session

Chair: Warren Hearnes, cardlytics,

1 - Industry Job Search Panel

Moderator: Warren Hearnes, cardlytics,,

Panelists: Adam McElhinney, Beverly

Wright, Aly Megahed

Do you have an interest in applying your analytical skills in industry? Come learn

more about the process for landing that opportunity and what it’s like to work as

an operations research practitioner. The panelists will discuss their perspectives on

the industry job search/interview process, typical roles and expections for a

practitioner, as well as give advice and answer questions from the audience based

on their experience in a variety of verticals such as marketing, manufacturing,

fin-tech, consulting, and private research. Panelists include Adam McElhinney,

Director of Data Science at Uptake (Chicago), Dr. Aly Megahed, Research Staff

Member at IBM Research (San Francisco), and Dr. Beverly Wright, Managing

Director of the Business Analytics Center at Georgia Tech (Atlanta). The panel is

moderated by Dr. Warren Hearnes, Vice President of Analytics & Data Sciences at

Cardlytics (Atlanta)..


27-Room 404, Marriott

MCDM in Agriculture

Sponsor: Multiple Criteria Decision Making

Sponsored Session

Chair: Jay Parsons, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska, 208A

Filley Hall, P.O. Box 830922, Lincolon, Ne, 68583-0922, United States

of America,

1 - An Overview of Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods Applied to

Agricultural Problems

Jay Parsons, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska, 208A

Filley Hall, P.O. Box 830922, Lincolon, Ne, 68583-0922,

United States of America,

Examples of multiple criteria decision making in agriculture abound over many

years and many topics including but not limit to: land use decisions; genetic

selections; environmental trade-off assessments; irrigation applications; crop

rotation analysis; and, risk-return trade-off analysis. This presentation will

provide an overview of MCDM applied to agriculture with a focus on recent

publications with the hope of stimulating conversation and future MCDM

research in agriculture.

2 - Intensive Dairying vs. Dairy Farm Eco-Efficiency: A Study with

DEA and Structural Equation Modeling

Andreas Soteriades, PhD Student, Scotland’s Rural College,

SRUC, King’s Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JG,

United Kingdom,,

Philippe Faverdin, Alistair Stott

We studied the relationship between the eco-efficiency (EE), intensification (I)

and autonomy (A) of French specialized dairy farms. We created composite EE, I

and A indicators with Life Cycle Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis and

Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed a significant negative

relationship between EE and I; and an insignificant one between EE and A. Our

findings suggest that intensive dairy production might not compromise the

