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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



30-Room 407, Marriott

“Speed Networking” Coordination of

Subdivisions’ Interests

Sponsor: CPMS

Sponsored Session

Chair: Doug Samuelson, InfoLogix, Inc., 8711 Chippendale Court,

Annandale, VA, 22003, United States of America,

1 - “Speed Networking” Coordination of Subdivisions’ Interests

Doug Samuelson, InfoLogix, Inc., 8711 Chippendale Court,

Annandale, VA, 22003, United States of America,

We imitate “speed networking” events in which couples spend ten minutes

conversing, then switch partners, allowing for eight or nine such meetings. This

allows subdivision officers to learn about other subdivisions with similar interests,

promote coordination of sessions, reduce schedule conflicts, and possibly

collaborate outside the annual meeting. All subdivision officers are encouraged to

attend and participate. The organizer will arrange pairings, following participants’



31-Room 408, Marriott

Data Analytics and Statistical Learning

Sponsor: Data Mining

Sponsored Session

Chair: Shouyi Wang, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at

Arlington, 3105 Birch Ave, Grapevine, TX, 76051, United States of


1 - Co-clustering Based Dual Prediction for Cargo

Pricing Optimization

Yada Zhu, Research Staff Member, IBM, Thomas J. Watson

Research Center, 1101 Route 134 Kitchawan Rd, Yorktown

Heights, NY, 10598, United States of America,

In the air cargo business, given the features associated with a pair of origination

and destination, how can we simultaneously predict both the optimal price for

the bid stage and the outcome of the transaction (win rate) in the decision stage?

In this paper, we propose a probabilistic framework and a COCOA algorithm to

simultaneously construct dual predictive models and uncover the co-clusters of

originations and destinations.

2 - An Efficient Orthogonal-polynomial-based Approach for Time

Series Representation and Prediction

Shouyi Wang, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at

Arlington, 3105 Birch Ave, Grapevine, TX, 76051,

United States of America,

We present a new efficient time series representation and prediction framework,

called orthogonal-polynomial-based variant-nearest-neighbor (OPVNN)

approach, for complex and highly nonlinear time series data. The proposed

approach achieved the most robust prediction performance compared to the state-

of-the-art time series modeling and prediction methods for the challenging

respiratory motion prediction problem. It has a great potential to handle complex

time series data streams efficiently.

3 - Online Social Network (OSN) Fake Account Detection System with

Cluster Level Features

Danica Xiao, PhD Candidate, University of Washington,

Seattle, 3900 Northeast Stevens Way, Seattle, WA, 98195,

United States of America,

Most online social networks (OSN) are often faced with users with undesired

activities during the network’s growth and expansion. Most of them are

malicious. Many of malicious activities start with fake accounts (aka “sybil

accounts”) attack. This paper presents a supervised learning based system to

address such challenge.

4 - Unsupervised Data Mining for Medical Fraud Detection

Tahir Ekin, Assistant Professor, Texas State University, 601

University Dr. McCoy Hall 411, San Marcos, TX, 78666,

United States of America,

, Greg Lakomski,

Rasim Muzaffer Musal

U.S. governmental agencies report that three to ten percent of the annual health

care spending is lost to fraud, waste and abuse. These fraudulent transactions

have direct cost implications to the tax-payers, in addition to diminishing the

quality of the medical services. This talk discusses the use of unsupervised data

mining approaches such as latent Dirichlet allocation for medical fraud detection.

Our main objective is to identify the billing behaviors and find providers that are



32-Room 409, Marriott

Computational and Statistical Challenges in Big Data


Cluster: Big Data Analytics in Computational Biology/Medicine

Invited Session

Chair: Li-San Wang, Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania,

423 Guardian Drive, 1424 Blockley Hall, Philadelphia, PA, 19104,

United States of America,

1 - Big Data Analyses Reveal Many New Short Non-coding RNAs in

Health and Disease

Isidore Rigoutsos, Professor, Computational Medicine Center,

Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University,

1020 Locust Street, Suite #M81, Philadelphia, PA, 19108,

United States of America,

By analyzing transcriptomic datasets from healthy individuals and patients we

have uncovered numerous novel regulatory non-coding RNAs. These molecules

include novel microRNAs, isoforms of microRNAs, fragments of transfer RNAs

(tRNAs), and other. Importantly, we find that these molecules’ composition and

abundances are dependent on an individual’s race, population, and gender as well

as on tissue, tissue state and disease subtype.

2 - Awsomics: A Knowledge Discovery Infrastructure Based on

Annotated Genomic Data

Zhe Zhang, Bioinformatics Scientist, Children’s Hospital of

Philadelphia, 3535 Market Street, Suite 1067, Philadelphia, PA,

19104, United States of America,

Knowledge discovery is adversely lagging behind data and information generation

in the field of genomic research. To assist biomedical researchers to digest the

overwhelming amount of genomic data, we developed a system based on

Amazon Web Service. It includes an archive of curated data and results, various

methods supporting integrative analysis, and a web-based toolbox. It will be a

valuable resource for biomedical researchers to gain novel insights about the

complicated biological systems.

3 - Quality Control of Whole Genome and Exome Data in a Large

Sequencing Study of Alzheimer Disease

Adam Naj, Instructor, Department Of Biostatistics And

Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania, 423 Guardian Drive,

229 Blockley Hall, Philadelphia, PA, 19104,

United States of America,

The Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Sequencing Project (ADSP) is an NIH project to

sequence 578 familial genomes and 10,692 unrelated exomes of cases and

controls to identify causal genomic variants. Here we describe extensive

bioinformatics applications in a multi-center quality control effort: performing

genotype calling, integrating data from multiple calling pipelines, filtering low-

quality samples, and incorporating external annotation to facilitate identifying

rare variants affecting AD risk.
