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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


4 - Higher Rank-Order Semidefinite Cutting Planes for

Nonconvex QCQPs

Xiaofei Qi, PhD Student, Nanyang Technological University,

50 Nanyang Ave, Singapore, Singapore,,

Jitamitra Desai, Rupaj Nayak

We introduce a polynomial-time scheme to generate higher rank-order

semidefinite cutting planes that serve to tighten convex relaxations of nonconvex

quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs) and significantly improve

lower bounds. Suitably defined row-and-column based operations are used to

speed up the process of generating these cuts, and computational comparisons

across different types of relaxations shows the efficacy of these new cutting plane



13-Franklin 3, Marriott

Optimizing Sharing Service/Economy Under


Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Siqian Shen, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan,

1205 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, United States of America,

1 - Optimal Location Design of Carsharing Fleet under Uncertain

One-way and Round-trip Demands

Zhihao Chen,

, Siqian Shen

We allocate vehicles in a homogeneous carshare fleet to contracted locations, to

maximize the expected revenue from random demand for one-way and round

trip rentals. We use a spatial-temporal network and optimize both risk-neutral

and CVaR-based risk-averse two-stage stochastic programs with high demand

satisfaction rates. The two-stage problems are solved via branch-and-cut with

mixed integer rounding and we give insights on carsharing location design from

data reported by Zipcar in Boston.

2 - Online Resource Allocation with Limited Flexibility

Xuan Wang, New York University, 44 West 4th Street,

Suite 8-154, New York, NY, 10012, United States of America,,

Jiawei Zhang, Arash Asadpour

We consider a general class of online resource allocation problems with limited

flexibility, where a type j request can be fulfilled by resource j or resource j+1, and

we call this limited flexibility the long chain pattern. The long chain has been

studied in process flexibility and has been shown to be very effective in coping

with demand uncertainty under offline arrivals. We provide preliminary results

that show the effectiveness of the long chain when the arrivals are online.

3 - On-demand Staffing: Incentive Wage Contracts with

Guaranteed Fill Rates

Zhichao Zheng, Singapore Management University, Lee Kong

China School of Business, 50 Stamford Road, Singapore, 178899,


, Tao Lu, Yuanguang Zhong

We study the on-demand economy and its impact on labor market efficiency. We

consider n employers with uncertain and time-varying demands, and a platform

operator providing on-demand staffing services. We propose a novel fill rate-

based allocation policy enabling the on-demand workforce to be shared efficiently

among employers. We propose a form of incentive contracts based on fill rate

guarantees, and show that our contracts can induce the system-wise optimality in

decentralized systems.


14-Franklin 4, Marriott

Data-driven Optimization

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Gah-Yi Vahn, Assistant Professor, London Business School,

Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4SA, United Kingdom,

1 - Data-driven Estimation of (s, S) Policy

Gah-Yi Vahn, Assistant Professor, London Business School,

Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4SA, United Kingdom,

I derive a tractable algorithm for computing the optimal (s,S) policy when the

decision maker has access to historical demand data. I show that this scheme

yields asymptotically optimal (s, S) policy and derive analytical characterisations

of confidence intervals, which is useful for operational decision-making.

2 - Near Optimal Ambiguity Sets in Distributionally

Robust Optimzation

Vishal Gupta, Assistant Professor, USC Marshall School of

Business, 3670 Trousdale Parkway, Bridge Hall 401 G,

Los Angeles, CA, 90089-0809, United States of America,

We assess the strengths of data-driven ambiguity sets in distributionally robust

optimization (DRO) by bounding the relative size of a candidate set to a specific,

asymptotically optimal set. We find popular ambiguity sets are much larger than

this asymptotically optimal set, suggesting current DRO models are overly

conservative. We propose new “near-optimal” sets that are only a constant factor

larger than the optimal set and satisfy the usual robustness properties.

3 - A Time Based Choice Model

Tauhid Zaman, MIT Sloan School of Management, 50 Memorial

Drive, Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of America,

We present a choice model which incorporates the time it takes the user to make

a decision. Our model assumes that the further apart two items are in terms of

user preference, the faster a decision is made. We conduct a set of online polls and

find that this model captures actual human behavior. We also show that using

this time based choice model can learn user preferences with high accuracy than

standard choice models for a fixed sample size.


15-Franklin 5, Marriott

Patient Scheduling in Health Care

Sponsor: Optimization in Healthcare

Sponsored Session

Chair: Joseph Milner, Associate Professor Of Operations Management,

Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto,

105 St.George Street, Toronto, ON, M5S3E6, Canada,


1 - Dynamic Patient Scheduling for Multi-Appointment

Health Care Programs

Adam Diamant, Assistant Professor Of Operations Management,

Schulich School of Business, York University,

111 Ian Macdonald Boulevard, Toronto, ON, M3J1P3, Canada,

, Fayez Quereshy, Joseph Milner

We investigate the scheduling practices of a multidisciplinary, multistage,

outpatient health care program with no-shows. We formulate the problem as a

Markov Decision Process and use approximate dynamic programming to find

policies to schedule patients to appointments. We examine the quality of our

solutions via structural results and compare them to a simulation of the clinic.

Our results applied to the operation of a bariatric surgery program at a large

tertiary hospital in Toronto, Canada.

2 - Flexible Hospital-wide Patient Scheduling

Daniel Gartner, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue,

Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United States of America,,

Rema Padman

We study a patient scheduling problem with admission decisions, clinical

pathways, day and overnight hospital resources, ward and surgical team

assignment flexibility, and overtime considerations. We model the problem using

Mixed-Integer Programming and embed it in a rolling horizon planning to take

into account uncertain recovery times of and remaining resource capacity for

patients. We analyze the impact of flexibility and uncertainty on several metrics.

3 - Coordinated Scheduling for a Multi-station Healthcare Network

Ester Dongyang Wang, PhD Candidate, University of Texas, IROM

Dept., Austin, TX, United States of America,


Douglas Morrice, Kumar Muthuraman

As the population ages, our healthcare industry must face the challenge of

increasing demand for care under constrained budget and resources. Our research

focuses on one of the central factors to the success of healthcare

reform–outpatient appointment scheduling. We develop a mechanism that

coordinates appointment scheduling among multiple services in a healthcare

network to improve access of care and reduce patient no-show rate. Our

approach has the potential to yield a global optimal solution.

4 - Appointment Scheduling and Walk-in Strategies with

Unpunctual Patients

Mohamad Soltani, University of Alberta, PhD Office, Business

Building,, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2R3,


Michele Samorani

It is commonly believed that clinics that schedule appointments have lower

patients’ waiting time and providers’ overtime than clinics that only allow walk-

ins. However, if we consider patient unpunctuality, walk-in-only clinics may

achieve a higher performance. In this research, we investigate the conditions

under which each strategy is preferable.
