INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015
4 - Distributed Computation of Pareto Sets
Margaret Wiecek, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 29634, United States of
America,, Brian Dandurand
The needs of multidisciplinary engineering design have motivated the
development of a distributed solution approach to computing Pareto solutions to
nonconvex decomposable multiobjective optimization problems. Existing results
on augmented Lagrangian coordination techniques and the block coordinate
descent method are extended into the multiobjective setting. These convergence
analyses lead to a MultiObjective Decomposition Algorithm (MODA) that is
applied to packaging in automotive design.
28-Room 405, Marriott
Auctions for Ad Space
Cluster: Auctions
Invited Session
Chair: Ian Kash, Microsoft Research, 21 Station Road, Cambridge,
United Kingdom,
iankash@microsoft.com1 - General Truthfulness Characterizations via Convex Analysis
Rafael Frongillo, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University,
29 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America,,Ian Kash
We present a model of truthful elicitation which generalizes and extends
mechanisms, scoring rules, and related settings. Our main result is a
generalization of previous characterizations, including a new one for scoring rules
on non-convex sets of distributions. We generalize this model to eliciting some
property of the agent’s private information, and provide the first general result for
this setting. We also show how this yields a new proof of a result in mechanism
design due to Saks and Yu.
2 - Inefficiency and Low Revenue in GSP Auctions
Indranil Chakraborty, symmetric-Nash equilibrium GSP auction is efficient and generates more than
VCG revenue. The revenue ranking may fail under Nash conditions but not when
the maximum GSP revenue is considered. We let bidders to have values from
conversions instead of clicks, and assume recency effect on conversion to show
that in a broad range of situations the GSP auction is inefficient. When efficient
equilibria exist the maximum efficient equilibrium revenue in many situations is
lower than the VCG revenue.
3 - Optimising Trade-offs Among Stakeholders in Ad Auctions
David Kurokawa, PhD Student, Carnegie Mellon University,
Computer Science Department, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA,
15213, United States of America,,
Yoram Bachrach, Sofia Ceppi, Ian Kash, Peter Key
We examine trade-offs among stakeholders in ad auctions. Our metrics are the
revenue for the auctioneer, number of clicks for users, and welfare for advertisers.
We show how to optimize linear combinations of these utilities via a GSP auction
with a per-click reserve price. We then examine constrained optimization of these
utilities. Finally, we examine a richer setting that allow using the screen real
estate in various ways.
4 - Mechanism Design for Mixed Ads
Ian Kash, Microsoft Research, 21 Station Road, Cambridge,
United Kingdom,, Sofia Ceppi,
Reza Khani, Yoram Bachrach, Peter Key
The GSP auction works when ads are simple, but does not generalize to richer
settings. Truthful mechanisms, such as VCG do. However, a straight switch from
GSP to VCG incurs significant revenue loss. We introduce a transitional
mechanism which mitigates this revenue loss. The mechanism is equivalent to
GSP when nobody has updated their bid and is equivalent to VCG when
everybody has updated. Our mechanism is based on a technique for making
payment functions into a truthful mechanism.
29-Room 406, Marriott
Applications of Analytics I
Sponsor: Analytics
Sponsored Session
Chair: Tarun Mohan Lal, Mayo Clinic,
mohanlal.tarun@mayo.edu1 - Analytics: A Conceptual Framework
Robert Rose, President, Optimal Decisions LLC, 4 Kirby Lane,
Franklin Park, NJ, 08823, United States of America,
optimaldecisions@mac.comThe term analytics emerged, and went viral, in November 2005. Since then, there
have been many different, and often contradictory, definitions proposed for
analytics. Questions such as whether or not analytics is a discipline, and what
type of relationship it has to disciplines such as statistics, computer science and
operations research, have been unanswered. In this talk, a framework will be
presented that explains the emergence of analytics, and logically relates it to other
2 - Spreadsheet Software for Linear Regression Analysis
Robert Nau, Professor, Duke University, Fuqua School of
Business, Durham, NC, 27708, United States of America,
robert.nau@duke.eduSpreadsheet add-ins for statistical analysis vary widely in terms of their user
interfaces, the detail and design of their output, and support for best practices of
analysis. This talk will give a brief overview of some of the market-leading
products and compare their linear regression features with a free add-in, RegressIt
(, which was originally designed for teaching an advanced
elective on forecasting at Duke University and is now publicly available and
widely used.
3 - Strategic Research: Analytics Excellence
Charity Maynard, Senior Health System Engineer, Mayo Clinic,
200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN, 55905, United States of
Maynard.Charity@mayo.eduMayo Clinic has a long rich legacy of integrating analytics, operations research
and industrial engineering in clinical care, research and education for achieving
excellence. This presentation will highlight the legacy, sophisticated
infrastructure, novel application and dissemination of learning. Key success
factors for leveraging analytics and engineering to address the formidable
challenges in health care today and tomorrow will be discussed.
4 - Analytics to Support Innovation in Outpatient Care
Delivery Processes
Tarun Mohan Lal, Mayo Clinic,
mohanlal.tarun@mayo.eduWith the growing trend and concern surrounding health care workforce
shortages, there is an increasing call for the redesign of office practices to reduce
inefficiency and improve capacity through better use of existing office staff. In this
presentation, we will discuss some innovative models of care delivery such as
increase pre-visit work, non-face face visits being implemented at Mayo Clinic
that has potential for improved operational performance and staff satisfaction.
30-Room 407, Marriott
Sports and Entertainment
Contributed Session
Chair: Stephen Hill
Assistant Professor, UNC Wilmington, 601 South College Road,
Wilmington, NC, 28403-5611, United States of America,
hills@uncw.edu1 - Does the Number of Days between Professional Sports Games
Really Matter?
Keith Willoughby, University of Saskatchewan, 25 Campus Drive,
Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5A7, Canada,,
Trevor Hardy
In the sport of football, teams typically play at most one game during a week.
Leagues may insert “bye weeks” into the schedule for each team, thereby
permitting rest and recuperation for players. Teams may feel unfairly treated if
they have more (or less) rest than their opponents. We explored over ten years of
regular season results from the Canadian Football League to determine if the
number of days off experienced by a team between games impacts team