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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


4 - On a Class of Reflected AR(1) Processes

Josh Reed, Associate Professor, NYU, 44 W. 4th St., New York, NY,

10012, United States of America,,

Michel Mandjes, Onno Boxma

We study the the recursion Z(n+1) = max(aZ(n) + X(n),0) when X(n) is i.i.d. with

distribution the same as the difference of a positive random variable and an

independent, exponential random variable. We find the transform of Z(n) and,

when |a|<1, we perform a stationary analysis. In heavy-traffic, we show that the

process converges to a reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and the steady-state

distribution converges to the distribution of a normal random variable

conditioned to be positive.


33-Room 410, Marriott

Medical Decision Making in Chronic Disease

Screening and Treatment

Sponsor: Health Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: John Silberholz, PhD Student, MIT, 77 Mass Ave, Bldg E40-130,

Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of America,

1 - An Analytics Approach to Designing Combination Chemotherapy

Regimens for Cancer

Dimitris Bertsimas, Professor, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave.,

Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of America,,

Allison O’hair, Stephen Relyea,

John Silberholz

We present a data-driven approach for designing new chemotherapy regimens for

advanced gastric and breast cancer. Our approach combines (i) construction of a

large-scale database of clinical trial results, (ii) statistical modeling to predict

outcomes of new drug combinations, and (iii) optimization models to select novel

treatments that strike a balance between maximizing patient outcomes

(exploitation) and learning new things about treatments that may be useful in the

future (exploration).

2 - On Estimating Optimization Model Parameters in Health

and Medicine

Thomas Trikalinos, Associate Professor, Brown University,

Combining information from independent sources (meta-analysis) can increase

the likelihood of optimal actions in operational problems. Using as example the

optimization of breast cancer screening strategies, I will discuss methods for and

implications of synthesizing model parameter estimates from independent studies,

while accounting for biases (systematic errors) and nontransferability (differences

between the setting specified by the optimization and the settings of the data


3 - A Robust Approach to Designing Cancer Screening Strategies

John Silberholz, PhD Student, MIT, 77 Mass Ave, Bldg E40-130,

Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of America,

, Dimitris Bertsimas, Thomas Trikalinos

Many models have been proposed to evaluate screening strategies for detecting

cancer. Though each model for some cancer could be used to identify effective

screening strategies, models’ assumptions and structures can vary dramatically,

leading to differing conclusions about the most effective strategy. Using robust

and stochastic optimization, we identify screening strategies that are effective

across multiple models, which could increase confidence in the quality of the

identified strategies.

4 - Prioritizing Hepatitis C Treatment in United States Prisons

Can Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology, 499 Northside Cir

NW, Apt. 315, Atlanta, GA, 30309, United States of America,

, Anthony Bonifonte, Turgay Ayer,

Jagpreet Chhatwal, Anne Spaulding

Correctional populations, which represent about 30% of the national Hepatitis C

virus (HCV) prevalence, offer a great opportunity to control the HCV epidemic.

New HCV treatments are very effective but also outrageously expensive.

Therefore, prisons are pressed to prioritize treatment decisions for HCV-infected

inmates. We propose a mathematical modeling framework for HCV treatment

prioritization decisions in prisons and present extensive numerical results based

on large datasets from US prisons.


34-Room 411, Marriott

Operations in Emergency Medicine

Sponsor: Health Applications

Sponsored Session

Chair: Yu Wang, PhD Student, Indiana University,

Co-Chair: Alex Mills, Assistant Professor, Indiana University, 1309 E.

10th Street, Bloomington, IN, 47405, United States of America,

1 - Coordinated Response of Health Care Networks in Mass

Casualty Incidents

Mercedeh Tariverdi, PhD Student, University of Maryland,

, Elise Miller-Hooks, Thomas Kirsch,

Scott Levin

A hybrid analytical-simulation and system-based approach is presented for

assessing the benefits of coordinated response of a health care network in a mass

casualty incident. The method accounts for incident-related operational

disruptions along with other sources of transient system behavior. Critical

resource management is included.

2 - An Empirical Study of Patient Discharge Decisions in

Emergency Departments

Eric Park, Postdoctoral Associate, The University of British

Columbia, 2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T1Z2, Canada,,

Yichuan Ding, Mahesh Nagarajan

We analyze the physician’s patient discharge decision in EDs. We study how

inpatient wards play a role as additional resources to the ED in the discharge

process. We study over 530,000 patient discharges in five Canadian EDs.

3 - Allocation Models for Cooperation between Ambulance Services

Lavanya Marla, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign, 104 S. Mathews Avenue, 216E, Urbana, IL,

61801, United States of America,

We consider a setting where multiple ambulance service providers cooperate to

serve a population. Such settings have been observed in the case of large

casualties; and in emerging economies where 911-type services compete with

existing ad-hoc services. We first demonstrate the opportunity costs due to lack of

cooperation. Then we present a game-theoretic framework to model the

allocation of ambulances from competing service providers. We conclude with

results from a real-world case study.

4 - Surge: Smoothing Usage of Resources is Good for Emergencies

Yu Wang, PhD Student, Indiana University,,

Alex Mills, Jonathan Helm

Major hospitals often experience demand surges close to or above their capacity.

We study the interplay between reactive and proactive surge strategies and their

impacts on the hospital’s immediate response and recovery. We find that

immediate recourse actions at best sacrifice long-term recovery for short-term

capacity improvement, while proactive workload smoothing provides a Pareto-

improving response in both short- and long-term operational performance.


35-Room 412, Marriott

Panel Discussion: Infusing Learning from Hospitality

and Service Design to Healthcare: A Panel Discussion

Cluster: Hospitality, Tourism, and Healthcare

Invited Session

Chair: Rohit Verma, Professor, Cornell University, School of Hotel

Administration, 338 Statler Hall, Ithaca, NY, 14853-6902, United States

of America,

1 - Infusing Learning from Hospitality and Service Design to

Healthcare: A Panel Discussion

Moderator: Rohit Verma, Professor, Cornell University, School of

Hotel Administration, 338 Statler Hall, Ithaca, NY, 14853-6902,

United States of America,

, Panelists:

Craig Froehle, Nitin Joglekar

While fundamentally different from each other, the Healthcare and Hospitality

industries also share many common characteristics, challenges and constraints.

The purpose of this session is to discuss if and how lessons learnt from hospitality

can be infused to design better services within the context of healthcare, wellness

and senior living.
