some fine ice, one and a quarter jigger fine old
whiskey; stir, and fill up with ice to top of glass;
now place two nice sprigs of mint in glass, decorate
with fruit, and lastly, a dash of St. Croix rum on
top: sprinkle a little sugar on mint and serve with
Gin Julep.
(Use large barglass.)
The gin julep is made with the same ingredients
as the nrint julep,omitting the fancy fixings.
Whiskey Julep.
(Use large barglass.)
The whiskey julep is made the same as the mint
julep, omitting all fruits and berries.
Pineapple Julep.
(For a party of five.)
Take the juice of two oranges.
I gill of raspberry syrup.
I gill of Maraschino.
I gill of Old Tom gin.
I quart bottle of sparkling Moselle.
I ripe pineapple," peeled, sliced, and cut up.
Put all the materials in a glass bowl; ice,-and
serve in flat glasses, ornamented with berri& in
Brandy Julep.
Same as Big 4, using good brandy instead cj