To Frappe Champagne.
Place the bottle in the champagne pail, fill with
ine ice and salt; whirl or twist the bottle several
dmes,and it will become almost frozen.
•High Ball(or Bradley Martin).
Put in thin ale-glass one lump of ice; fill with
syplion seltzer to within an inch of the top, then
float one half jigger Cognac brandy or
Rye whiskey.
Whiskey and Mint.
Put in barglass one lump cut-loaf sugar,enough
water to dissolve, one or two sprigs mint; mash
sugar and mint together; serve same as plain whis
key,leaving barspoon in glass.
Gin Crust.
(Use small barglass.)
Gin crust is made like the brandy crust, using
gin instead of brandy.
Brandy Daisy.
(Use small barglass.)
Take 3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup.
2 or 3 dashes of Ciiragoa cordial.
Thejuice of half a small lemon.
1 small wineglass of brandy.
2 dashes of Jamaica rum.
Fill glass one third full of shaved ice.
vShake well, strain into a large coclicail-glass, and
fill up with Seltzer water from a syphon.