the mixicologist.
Brandy Punch.
(Use large barglass.)
Take i teaspoonful of powdered sugar, dissolved
in a little water/i=
1 u'ineglass of brandy.
Yt. wineglass of Jamaica rum.
Juice of half a lemon.
2 slices of orange.
I piece of pineapple.
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice; shake up thor
oughly, and dress the top with berries in season;
serve with a straw.
Brandy and Rum Punch.
(Use large barglass,
Take i tablespoonful of powdered sugar, dis
solved in a little water.
I wineglass of Santa Cruz rum.
Yi wineglass of brandy.
Juice of half a small lemon.
I slice of orange (cut in quarters.)
r piece of pineapple.
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice; shake well,
and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in
season ; serve with a straw.
Hot Brandy.
In hot wliiskej'-glass put one lump cut-loaf sugar,
enough hot water to dissolve, one jigger brandy;
fill glass tf> within half an inch of the top with hot-
water, nutmeg on top; serve with spoon in glass