(Use large barglass.)
Taki 1 large teaspooiiful of poWdered sugar.
I fresh egg.
yi wineglass of brandy.
yi wineglass of Santa Cruz rum.
A little shaved ice.
Fill the glass with rich milk, and shake up ihe
ir»gredients until they are thoroughly mixed. Pour
the mixture into a goblet, excluding the ice, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. This may be made
by using a wineglass of either of the above liquors,
instead of both combined.
Hot Eggnog.
(Use large barglass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is
made in precisely the same manner as the cold egg
nog above, except that you must use boiling water
instead of ice.
Claret Punch.
(Use good-sized glass.)
Nearly fill with claret.
I piece oflemon peel.
Put in thin lemonade-glass one large spoonful
sugar, sufficient water to dissolve; fill half full of
fine ice; stir well,trim with fruits,serve with straws