Crimean Cup a Lia Marmora.
(Use a bowl for mixing.) 1 pint of orgeat
syrup; Yi pint of Cognac; pint of maraschino;
Vi pint of Jamaica rum; 1 bottle of champagne;
1 bottle of soda; 3 ounces of sugar; 3 lemons
and 3 oranges; cut in slices, and a few slices of
pineapple. Stir up well with ladle, then place it
into your dish filled with ice.
Curacoa Punch.
(A large bar glass.) % tablespoon of sugar;
8 or 4 dashes of lemon juice; 1 wineglass of
brandy; 1 pony Curacoa (red); pony Jamaica
rum. Dress with fruits as usual. Fill with fine
ice and sip through a straw.
Currant Shrub.
(Use a bowl for mixing; general rule for pre
paring.) 1 quart of currant juice; IVi lbs. of
loaf sugar. Boil it gently 8 or 10 minutes, skim
ming it well; take it off, and when lukewarm,
add % gill of brandy to every pint of shrub.
Bottle tight. Mix a little shrub with ice water
and you will have a ''"-^Wous drink. Shrub may
be made of cher..;, _ ._£:pberry juice by this
method, hut the quantity of sugar must be re
Dizzy Sour.
(Use large bar glass.) Mash Va lemon; 3 spoon
fuls of powdered sugar; % full of fine ice; 1 J'S"
ger rye whisky; 3 dashes benedictine. Shake
well, strain in a sour glass, put in a piece of
pineapple, float jigger Jamaica rum on top and