Cocktail, Sazerac.
In a large mixing glass dissolve one lump sugar
in teaspoonful of water; one dash Peyehaud bit
ters; one dash Angostura bitters; half wine glass
whiskey and cube of ice. Cool another tumbler,
put in dash of absinthe. Stir and strain contents
of mixing glass into it. Squeeze a piece of lemon
peel on top.
Cocktail, Sherry.
(Large bar glass half full cracked ice.) 1
dash Angostura; 3 dashes syrup; 3 dashes Cura-
coa; % jigger vermouth; 1 jigger sherry wine;
stir well with spoon; strain in cocktail glass and
serve with cherries.
Cocktail, Soda.
(A large bar glass.) 1 teaspoon of sugar; 3 or
3 dashes of bitters (Angostura); 5 or 6 lumps of
ice; fill glass with a bottle of lemon soda. Stir
well. You may put a slice of orange on top and
Cocktail, Southern Club Manhattan.
(Mixing glass.) ^ full shaved ice; 1 dash
syrup; 4 dashes Curacoa; 2 dashes maraschino;
2 dashes Peyehaud bitters; 1 small jigger Italian
yermoutb; 1 small jigger rye whisky. Strain
into cool cocktail glass, squeeze orange peel on
top and serve. Don't put peel in glass.
Cocktail, Speedway.
Four dashes absinthe; 2 dashes maraschino;
3 dashes orange bitters; 1 wineglass Irish whisky
fill mixing glass with shaved ice; stir contents
well; strain off into cocktail glass, twist lemon
skin on top and serve.