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Today being Sunday we had planned to make it possible for several of us to join in

the entretiens with FJ. Mid-afternoon, they started to arrive: Al.B and Chr, Patricia

and F.Gr, G.M and Marcia, P.G, Jacq… The atmosphere is good, positive,

concentrated; we are able to record over two full hours. FJ is wonderful, so present

and alive and given and caring, it is a joy to watch and experience… Some tension

is there too, and I realise it comes through a certain degree of violence, of

frustration, in P.G, and that it also moves a little through F.Gr, though not in any

obvious way…

This evening, C.E and I drive down to Jipmer, relieved and thankful to be by

ourselves a little, just as the clouds burst and it starts pouring; we reach there fully

drenched and shivering, but revigorated also; Piero is serious, austere; the

operation is scheduled for tomorrow, although the infection is still active in his

throat and jaws; he gives me some more instructions for the work…

*26-7-1979, Auroville:

FJ and Ch have left in the night. Their presence here has been so good and true, it

has been an intense time, exacting… and I want no one to live here with us for a


… P.G is very upset that I have handed the work of the brochure to D.W, who

wanted it so much; he sees it as just another assertion of ego negating the chance

to complement one another; but it’s not my way to cling to functions or tasks. Yet

he has a right to be upset, as we have cared for this work together, and I should

have consulted with him… Later he tells me of this morning’ general meeting… It is

sometimes uncanny how he can speak up my very thought, which I have left

unformulated and yet, when he articulates it, it is strikingly the very words I would

have picked for it! This has happened so often now that it makes me feel even

more the necessity to discipline myself and learn to think only true thoughts, useful


*28-7-1979, Auroville:

At tea-break there is uproar when it gets known that some 10 Aurovilians have met

at Bharat Nivas on Navajata’s invitation for some kind of “rapprochement” as

regards land-use in Auroville, and Joss acted as coordinator. P.C is cornered about

it; arguments fuse and fly… Then the talks veers onto the brochure: D.W has

selected quotes from You and Sri Aurobindo to form the text and there can be no

objection to it and I rather like it; but Myrtle declares that one of the texts I had

prepared will go in the next Bulletin, while everyone agrees the other one will be

used in the covering letter… When it is over, Narad comes to me very gently,

saying that, as tomorrow will be his birthday, he intends to visit Huta and perhaps

Nolini also, and he will take with him the list of requirement for Matrimandir which I

have made…

*30-7-1979, Auroville:

… A bunch of us meet in the casuarinas topes near to “Meadow” and we spend the

morning pruning and loping branches for the Bakery. P.C and others seem to have

realised the snare they’d been trapped into at Bharat Nivas the other day and have

gone back there to retrieve the plans and maps, and there does not seem to be any

chance of the SAS trying to stop us now, but still, the Guard is there, and I have

the post of watchman for all…