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… I have a glimpse of the sadhana, or tapasya, necessary to reach and to hold a

state of awareness where, materially, there is no more the possibility of

contradiction… This must be the path to real perfection: integral and total

attunement to the Becoming…

… G.M rides in: he felt the need to clear some heaviness between or around us; he

reads Satprem’s letter…

*30-8-1980, Auroville:

Mother, I want to say “thank You, thank You”, again and again, to say my gratitude

for all that is given me, for this possibility to express materially a little harmony, a

little beauty…: this place, vibrant and poised…

… P.V comes to ask me to be a “witness” to an “action” he and D.P want to take to

teach a lesson to Hervé; I refuse to be rushed into it. Instead, later, I go with

Dennis to find Hervé and we all go to the spot of dissension, a beautiful place

named “Source”, which would need constructive energy; we watch the scene:

brothers turned enemies, but there is also, now and then, a lot of humour seeping


… Some local crooked-minded man has purchased for Rs 3,000/- a plot of land that

cuts across the road near to Vijay’s, so that Vijay would have to buy it from him for

Rs 5,000/-… What turns me off, more than the fact of these varied blood-suckers

who clamp on every deficiency and every gap in our collective body, is that Vijay

has already gone straight to the Inspector Thomas, after all what this man has

done against us…! Dennis and I both shrug, wanting to give up any hope of

collective discipline…

Because there is also always this possibility, with its own appeal, to let go, to let

each logic or determinism follow its own processes till… each person becomes

capable of contacting the real Harmony…? Something that has never really been


In this compromise between chaos and a seeming order, there is fear and

resistance; from this perspective, chaos is perceived or expected to be inevitably

destructive. But, if this fear would be replaced by a more conscious trust, knowing

that it would take a whole spiral before one could reach a new awareness and a

new “order”…?

… Murthy has been remarkably stupid: instead of following our instructions, taking

the “Forecomers” road, he has gone and got stuck at the Check-Post and all the

cement has been intercepted; it is like an active interference, as if intentional…

… G.M and I look for presents for Marcia’s birthday tomorrow – a powerful weaving

from Assam for her new room…

*31-8-1980, Auroville:

… That formidable distance that can “happen” between beings, people, in spite of

and under appearances of communication…

… I walk back in the night: Matrimandir’s light is there, alive in the darkness,

centred in our midst, our core and silent sign of Truth…


1-9-1980, Auroville:

I do not want to age, Mother. I do not want any of my beloved ones to age.

I want each of us to grow, to progress, to re-create oneself endlessly, in

awareness, in harmony, to become… Never to age, Mother!