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Yet, since that moment, she has begun to worry that the birth may come


… Lines are being drawn around the issue of “Aurelec”…

… In the night, between dreams, I am suddenly “attacked by Krishna”: he had

come stealthily, in the night, to kill me on my bed, with a blow of something like a

heavy bar, and I actually experience my “death”; I wake up nauseous and


*30-5-1982, Auroville:

The work on the new room was completed yesterday; it is all calm now.

Calculating the birth to come on the 21


of June, we had planned on three weeks

prior to it to really get settled and ready…

But Diane feels now it may all happen sooner. She has gone to consult with Myr,

who found that the child’s head is already engaged, and has advised her to take

complete rest.

So I myself had to go to “Jaïma” to ask for her kids to be brought here to see her

before they leave to France…

*31-5-1982, Auroville:

Barbara has come to keep Diane company while I drive to Pondy to get all the

things we need for the birth, so Diane can relax, knowing it is all there, at hand…

Diane has actually said she is happy in her new room…!

… This evening I massage Diane; I feel the child moving, and I have a longing to

hold it in my arms, but I also feel clearly that it is too early, too soon…

Diane has quietened; and the child’s body has shifted back up a bit…

*1-6-1982, Auroville:

Diane is resting. I say home all day, and tend to everything; she is happy that


After days of scorching heat – weeks, actually – the wind has brought masses of

rain clouds, fallen silent, and late afternoon it starts to pour, and keeps pouring well

into the night, cleaning up the last traces of the construction work, drenching the

soil, bringing relief to the whole garden…

*2-6-1982, Auroville:

Diane is quieter, and I feel the birth will not happen now, but at its correct time;

and there is the sense that we can now really prepare the atmosphere, while the

body of the child gets fully ready…

I am grateful, for everything. This place is such a gift of Grace…

*3-6-1982, Auroville:

As Diane says, we have to keep modest! We know nothing!

For her this pregnancy is entirely different – she had three children -, and she is

constantly puzzled by it.

There is a deep reality that smiles, holding treasures of being, and of becoming…