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… And I understand that, to be conscious of the Divine does not necessarily or

automatically imply that one becomes conscious of every one of these processes of

manifestation; one may only become conscious of those He chooses to reveal at the

time He chooses…!

*23-6-1982, Auroville:

It is so puzzling to watch what goes on between two people who live together: the

alterations, the moods, the confusions and, at instants that come like the white

foam on the crest of a wave, the swelling of perfect attunement, simple, happy and

natural, in its place…

… The mind’s demand to be “informed” tends to cause chaos in the perceptions…

*25-6-1982, Auroville:

Diane had some low contractions in the night, but it had no force.

I have to wonder about my own possible interference, with my wanting to “be

aware”… There is this universal energy that must come into play and trigger the

body’s processes that alone can release the baby from the womb: can this be

hampered by my, by our, by one’s waiting, one’s observing, and one’s effort to

understand, to be conscious of it…?

It is, after all, similar to the sexual energy that comes to release the cells in an

orgasm; this one must come and set into motion a whole chain of physical events…

… But I have to ask You, Mother, to be here for the birth, to be the midwife, to be

the protection, and to be the force that moves, to be the atmosphere and to be the

One to receive the child in Your hands: Agni, into Your sweet conscious hands…

… I ache to see the child, here at last, moving in this air, delivered and growing…

*26-6-1982, Auroville:

Today Diane is full of energy, active in the house, happy… while I just need to


*27-6-1982, Auroville:

Ce matin est née Ajneyam Auragni – ma princesse si belle : Ajneyam Auragni.

A 9 heures elle est venue, a poussé son premier cri.

La nuit a été calme. Ce matin, vers 7 heures, Diane me dit tout à coup qu’elle vient

de perdre le « bouchon » et que les eaux coulent…

Nous sommes entrés dans la chambre. Diane a eu de fortes contractions ; pas

beaucoup… Se tenant à moi, et moi la tenant, debout jusqu’à ce que la tête

commence à sortir…

Myr et Ar sont venues nous aider.

Cela a été si tranquille et si simple.

Ajneyam était d’abord un peu bleuie d’être sortie si vite ; je l’ai tenue dans mes

bras en marchant dans la maison, jusqu’à ce que son souffle s’adapte et elle se

calme et prenne des couleurs ; puis nous l’avons immergée dans un bain d’eau bien

chaude ; elle était contente et regardait et souriait…

Toute cette journée a été si paisible…

Le 27= 2+7=9; 27=3x9.

Diane’s date is 9; Auragni’s is 9; mine is 9.

3 times 9=27; 9 am is the time!