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*11-8-1986, Auroville:

Last night, at some point, I had a vehicle, rather like a horse-cart, that must be

pulled by a huge and beautiful animal; I don’t know its name: it has a long graceful

neck; it has something of a horse, but also of an elephant and of a giraffe…

… The thing of having several people taking turns near Janaka and D.M does not

work very well, and I end up having either to organise it myself or asking N to fill in

the gaps… Gupi came part of the afternoon, but mostly talked; D.M was looking

very dignified; I don’t know: I can’t stand anymore any “spiritual” attitude; it

makes me want to break things apart, to blow it…

*12-8-1986, Auroville:

I do not understand how to progress in the nights. It’s like there is a strong energy

in my body – it isn’t really “sub” conscious – that translates the information directly

into live formations, circumstances, people and scenes; it cannot be just one

individual: rather, energy is felt as central everywhere, seated in each body,

recreating forms, and almost an objectivity, out of information received… And the

first part of the night is usually just that… While the second part is usually more

complex, a mixture of processes; last night for example there was for some time an

interesting sequence, in a composite place: a small baby boy has come to me, who

looks a little like Satyavan, plump, alert and tender, and a little mischievous, and

together we dance, it is tuned as if for a Rio de Janeiro carnival dance, it beats in

my veins, with a quiet physical joy and rhythm; people are there, sort of tsiganes

or gypsies, who have settled around my house, in their own rights…

… This evening D.M was rather desperate; she does not feel capable to go on much

longer in this situation, and yet she has no choice but to bear with it, or go crazy…

Janaka is like frozen in a strange and unusual silence – but it may just be also what

his body needs to rebuild itself without sequels or damages?

*13-8-1986, Auroville:

This morning I didn’t even try to note down the things of the night; I feel so weary

of these hundreds and hundreds of nights that remain devoid of any progressive

clue or help or substance, and contribute nothing to the way, to its discovery, to

the becoming, or at any rate nothing I am aware of; and yet, I’d rather remember

than not!

… Janaka was more alert this morning, and full of humour; but as the day wore on,

he relapsed into this strange, almost vegetative presence…

… I could spend a while at the concreting at Matrimandir, and with John H, who is

to take a shift with Janaka from today on…

… B had called me for dinner tonight; she and Akash are on a “special

reinforcement” diet, and it bears results; they’ve both put on some weight, and

they sleep better and looked rested and calm. Ruud’s book has just come out: it’s

been well done and has quality to it, and it will certainly be very useful, even, I

believe, in Auroville.

*14-8-1986, Auroville:

Janaka had fever again; D.M had decided to stop giving him the nuts – the

Ayurvedic medicine -; but then he wouldn’t drink enough, until, this evening, I

managed to let him see the choice he had, and to make him drink more so that the

fever could be fought down…