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*21-8-1986, Auroville:

I have copied in capital letters the statement I have written last night, for the

members of the Advisory Council, who are coming on Saturday to Auroville.

Last night Janaka had some sort of attack that demolished the progress of the last

few days; his left side is once more inert; he was very depressed when I came in

this morning and D.M was desperate and feeling abandoned by You…

… This evening Gupi came to help for a good while, and the two of us did some

intensive care on Janaka, and later he went to sleep quietly, relaxed, the energies

flowing better…

*To the kind attention of the members of the International Advisory

Council for Auroville, 21-8-1986:

“The brief statement that follows is written by an individual (resident of Auroville for

many years) and is not the result of any group or collective consultation; yet it

hopes to reflect the inner conviction of many, and it is offered as an attempt to

stand for the objective reality and worth of Auroville.

Please accept it as a humble contribution to your search, work and service.

Thank you,

At the service of Truth,



As regards Auroville, it is essential to have an active trust in the wisdom of the


It is She who has created this possibility She has named Auroville, and in its very

foundations She has clearly and unmistakably set it apart from all human

formations, and even from Her own formation of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

There must be a place like Auroville on the earth.

In our hearts we all know why it could only happen on the soil of India.

It is true and a fact of its progress that Auroville has met, after the Mother’s “dis-

appearance”, with severe contradictions, and that help and understanding have

been needed and received from such human agencies as the Government of India,

in order to face certain dangers. And whoever cares for Auroville is and will remain

grateful for that help.

Yet for all contradictions to be truly cured it is ultimately and effectively the

Mother’s Force alone, the Force of the True Consciousness, that will act and be

victorious through an actual change of our nature.

For Auroville to serve the Mother’s purposes, it must keep its unique identity.

It must be protected, sustained by our aspirations, and cherished.

Its relationships with all willing agencies must be encouraged in their creativity.

But its unique status, of which the Charter is the one and only formulation given by

the Mother, must be absolutely respected.”

*22-8-1986, Auroville:

I am puzzled with what is given me to experience; for as long as I can remember,

every night of my life, I have been swimming in the sub-conscious planes,

watching, watching, for no purpose that I can comprehend… And now it is in the

day-time as well… Last night, for instance, I was made to experience, for what