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…I ate dinner alone at the Kitchen. I miss a friend; I miss someone to communicate

to, with… another consciousness, another point of awareness, to dynamise what

has collected within me…

*23-10-1986, Auroville:

Sometimes in my physical consciousness, very concretely, I feel like a sponge:

thirsty, thirsty for the Force, like a dry sponge, to absorb it, to be permeated by It

– and that, without It, it is death, it is defeat, it is this absurd nonsense…

I need You so much, Your Presence, Your patience, Your loving care for progress,

birth and growth…

… For a few minutes this afternoon, it felt that they were both just next to me, just

in a slightly subtler version of the same situation they had been in, so that they

could still make the progress they’d had to make, and that now things were a little

clearer to their consciousness, and they were also more sheltered… But I do not

wish to feed on imagination or approximations.

… I don’t know what’s next. On one hand I can feel some gratitude if that work at

“Ravena” remains with me for a while longer, with a purpose within Your embrace.

On the other hand I fear a little that it will only make me more isolated…

… This morning I sent a note to P.M asking whether they would pass on a letter

from me to Satprem… I’ve had no reply as yet.

Mother, the more I go, the more Your solitary work feels heroic to me; truly,

formidably, enormously heroic…! And I need You so much…

*27-10-1986, Auroville:

I started to write a letter to Janaka’s sister. I know nothing of her but I thought

that, if I am to complete the work at “Ravena”, she must on her part help getting

the needed money… When the rain had stopped this afternoon, I went over to show

this letter to Larry; he liked it and added a few words of his own.

*28-10-1986, Auroville:

Looking back at the whole process with D.M and Janaka now, I also feel – and this

is a way of seeing that seems just as valid or, at any rate, that cannot be

overlooked dismissed – that I have been a rather perfect instrument for the wrong

possibility; I see that clearly: every one of my own attitudes made me the perfect

prey to fit just so into the wrong mechanism. I am so dumb, so very dumb…!

*29-10-1986, Auroville:

I am treading along in a mire of tamas… No response anywhere in my scene, no

aspiration, no nothing… And the woman in me is out front with her needs – I want

to be owned, to be claimed…!

… I bought a book on contemporary physics; this part of my mind is way down

buried under layers of rust; I have to read every sentence at least twice, and still I

stand agape… These people seem to be mainly like gymnasts of the intellect; only,

sometimes, some of them hit upon an intuitive prehension of the reality, and these

they labour like ants to fit into an acceptable framework and logic… But I intend to

try and persevere!