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*17-1-1987, Auroville:

There are these moments when I experience a kind of jubilant trust, because I

seem to be grasping the very substance of the way, and there is this gratitude that

wants to sing and to celebrate… And then the next moment, there is fatigue; or

else, suddenly, the difficulty is there…

*19-1-1987, Auroville:

I am tired, drained; the problem with Ar. makes me feel that I am no good to

anyone; according to her, she is unable to free herself from her attachment;

whenever I try and explain to her what is needed, she says she understands

mentally but she just can’t do it… So, the only way out she can see is to look for

another house to live, to move away from me physically, and that in turn makes

her feel terrible… I don’t know; my contribution to life, to people, seems to be all


… Nothing here in Auroville seems to ever emerge into more living truth; it turns in

circles ever and ever, without any substantial progress or evolution…

*20-1-1987, Auroville:

N came back to work, late, with a funny face; there too, it is like the smallness, the

misery has won; the village people have teased him and harassed him so well, it

seems, that… he went under, and our friendship has become impossible; and I too

have withdrawn, as I could no longer ignore his deceptions, half-lies, or his

carelessness; yet I know that he suffers; and his suffering is just one more thing I

can’t help: nowhere, in human relationships, am I able to contribute harmony…

Nowhere am I able to open to life, in simplicity…

*21-1-1987, Auroville:

There has been heavy fighting in the village these last few days, and N, it seems,

was involved – but perhaps not as much as some people would have me believe;

yet he is been hiding from me, and this makes me sad: I can’t trust him anymore…

And Larry came to me with discouraging news: a letter has come from Janaka’s

sister, dismissing our concern for “Ravena”, while confirming their invitation for

Auralice to come and live with them in the US… This is probably the opposite of

what Janaka would have wished – he would have wanted “Ravena” to be completed

and Auralice to continue developing here… But Larry… is satisfied, I guess, because

Auralice is going to be well looked after. And so I remain alone with the load of that

whole place, which no one wants to acknowledge for what it truly is… It was

probably my mistake to trust that Janaka’s family would care enough, but to whom

could I turn, practically?

… I went running, this evening, after a long time, just to come out of that pit of


*22-1-1987, Auroville:

The news that Larry gave me yesterday have eroded my confidence that some

response will come, as an expression of the Lord’s care for the offering that was

thus attempted… It now would appear that this will just be another

unaccomplished, unfulfilled, un-reached, defeated thing…

As a result, this morning, I just didn’t know what to do with myself there…