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Derfor har København endnu sine smalle, krogede

Gader i den indre By. Her og der er der ganske

vist ryddet lidt op, men ikke meget og ikke synder­

ligt iøjnefaldende hvad angaar Nyplanering. Og

det er i hvert Fald ikke paa »Strøget«, ikke paa

den Rute, vi følger nu imod Raadhuspladsen. Alli­

gevel træffer man heller ikke her helt gamle Byg­

ninger. Store Ildebrande, der har haft let ved at

brede sig i den sammenpakkede By, har raseret

all this traffic and bustle towards Slotsholmen,

where he built »Kopmannehafn’s« defcnces and

created the conditions for the whole later de-

velopment of the town.

For several centuries the town was kept within

very narrow limits. Apart from the laying out of

the district Christianshavn, which look place

early in the 17th century the first really im-

portant extension took place in the middle of the

Arrestbygningen bag Domhuset. — Detentionhouse behind Court building. — Maison de detention derriére le palais de justice. —

Das Gefangnis hinter dem GerichtsgeMude.

næsten alt — og nyere Bygninger er Tid efter an ­

den rejst paa de gamles Grundplan. F ra Senre­

næssancen er

Holmens Kirke

ved Kanalen lige

overfor Børsen og

Nikolaj Kirkes Taarn

lige ved

Højbroplads bleven levnet. Og det ejendommelige


i den nærliggende Købmagergade, der

lige til 1860 har tjent efter sin Bestemmelse til

astronomiske Observationer, stammer ogsaa fra

denne Periode.

Forbi den flere Gange ombyggede Klosterkirke,

Hellig Aands Kirke,

paa Amagertorv, kommer vi

nu gennem


en Gade, der snor sig

mellem Husrækkerne paa samme lunefulde Maade

som i Fortiden, ud paa den aabne Plads ved Gam­

meltorv og Nytorv.


er moderniseret

19th century, when the latest ramparts and fortifi-

cation constructions from the time of the renais-

sance were demolished. Therefore Copenhagen still

has its small crooked streets in the inner town. It

is true that here and there modernization has

taken place but to no great extent and it is not

perceptible as marking any actual alteration of the

physiognomy of the town. At all events no es-

sential change has aken place in the »Strøget«, on

the route we are now following to Raadhuspladsen.

However, notwithstanding this, no really old build­

ings are met with. Great conflagrations which liad

free play in the densely built town, have destroyed

practically all old buildings, and newer buildings

have gradually arisen on the foundations of the