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Here, ladies and gentlemen, is what I am sure you all desire:

An instructive introduction into the art of mixing.

My love for my profession has induced me to write this book.

Many years of practice at home and abroad, and my experience

with numerous international guests have enabled me to give really

practical instruction on this subject.

This small book, compiled with a thorough technical knowledge

of this branch, gives a clear summary of mixology and deals with

the 24 most important classes of drinks. An illustration of the

finished drink and the glass to be used accompanies the description

of each group, together with a note as to its origin, effect, and the

method of mixing. The stimulative effect and the use of all cock

tails is also indicated. Arranged in this manner the book is for the

bar guest an invaluable guide. The detailed descriptions of the

choice classical Standard Drinks ensure expert service at any

American Bar worthy of the name. The knowledge of this des

cription alone makes the guest esteemed as a connoisseur and puts

him far more at his ease in company than the most distinguished

customer who does not know what to order, and, in consequence,

often chooses the contrary of a stimulant.

The tables for the practical arrangement of the categories enable

everyone to set up a proper bar. They are so compiled that they

can be adapted to every kind of bar from a small house bar to a

large public saloon, successfully assisting anyone to penetrate into

the secrets of mixology.


Mesdames et Messieurs,

Vous m'avez toujours demande d'etre renseigne et de connaitre

mon art de mixer: je vous I'offre dans ce livre. Ce n'est certe pas

moi qui ai invente cet art, mais c'est ma profession que j'ai prati-

quee a I'etranger comme chez moi durant de longues annees et ce

n'est que grace a cette etude et aux hotes du monde entier que je

suis en mesure de vous donner un guide pratique en cette matiere.

Ce petit livre special vous permettra de connaitre toute la mixo-

logie. Il contient les 24 classes de drinks absolument necessaires.