Bedienung an jeder einigermassen geschulten American Bar. Nur
mit dieser Orientierung ist der Gast als solcher wirklich estimiert
und kommt damit als Kenner in wait angenehmere Beriihrung mit
der Gesellschaft, als wenn er trotz seiner Wiirde mit der Bestellung
nicht zurechtkommt und folglich oft sogar das Gegenteil einer
Stimulation in sich aufnimmt.
Die Einrichtungstabellen ermoglichen jedermann, eine Original-
Bar zu halten. Sie sind derart eingestellt, dass sie iiberall Anwen-
dung finden kdnnen, sei es im Hausgebrauch oder in der Gross-Bar,
und jedermann wird mit ihrer Hilfe in die Geheimnisse der Mixo-
logie einzudringen vermdgen.
General Keiiiark.s
In order to work hand in hand with my colleagues, I have decided
to include only the international so-called StandardDrinks in order
that the entire bar system may not be jeopardised by fancy names
given by amateurs, or by recipe books of theorists.
Every expert knows that, apart from the Standard Drinks,
many other classical drinks with various names of guests are in
existence. He also knows that such drinks, be they of permanent
value, or of passing interest, may not be introduced into the trade
without stating the ingredients, when it usually turns out that
this mixture has already been named. In order to remain true to
tradition I have not included my private discoveries along this line.
The division of the Cocktails into three groups is based on practice,
the glasses as well as the ingredients being different. This method
aids the memory and avoids confusion. I am in favour of law and
order, thus facilitating the task of future generations of the bar
trade. The fundaments of mixology must not be shaken and it is
our sacred duty to defend them against such attacks. Some of
the objects of this book are to supplement
knowledge of the
bar guest, to combat dilettantism and to encourage science in the
art of bar tending, and I hope to have voiced the thoughts of
international bar tenders, especially of those in Switzerland.
As my work only deals with Mixology and is dedicated to the
elite of my trade, it has not been considered necessary to include
therein professional matters of secondary consideration.