Modelled Direction
A set of activities involving rehabilitation, modernisation and expansion of the existing national gas transmission infrastructure with a view to guaranteeing the possibility of the national gas transmission system to ensure the transport of
sufficient natural gas volumes through the territory of the country using the planned new interconnections to other countries from the region of South Eastern, Central and Eastern Europe and in the context of the large cross-border gas
projects in the region. The project mostly include compressor stations modernisation (CS Valchi Dol and CS Polski Senovets) as well as in-line inspections, complete overhauls and replacement of gas pipeline sections of the main gas
pipelines that are part of the annularly built gas transmission system and construction regulating lines at the exits of gas pipeline branches off the main and transit gas pipeline to enhance its reliability, security and capacity.
Security of Supply, Market integration, Reverse Flows, Diversification of sources, Diversification of routes, N-1 National, N-1 Regional (Central and Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, Balkan Region), The modernisation, rehabilitation
and expansion of the existing gas transmission network are directly linked to the planned new interconnections with Greece (IGB), Romania (IBR), Turkey (ITB) and Serbia (IBS), the integration of the national and the transit gas
transmission system on the territory of Bulgaria and the development of the large cross-border gas projects in the region. The efficient use of the new entry and exit points from/to Bulgartransgaz gas transmission networks is directly
linked to the technical possibilities of the existing gas transmission infrastructure on the territory of Bulgaria to ensure sufficient capacity and suitable technical conditions to accommodate the transport of the planned new natural gas
quantities and to the available storage capacity and the expansion of the gas storage facility in Chiren unique on the territory of the country.
Public financing
Private financing
Multilateral financing
Capacity (GWh/d)
From Zone
To Zone
ENTSOG TYNDP 2013-2013 - Annex A
Southern Corridor GRIP 2014–2023 Annex B |