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260 .

" S.

G . " Cock ta il.

r t easpoonfu l Gren ad ine , :\-

Can acl i a1~


'Wh is ky,:\- Lemon Jui ce , } Orange J ui ce .

Shake we ll a n d stra in.

(This cocktail is v er y p opul a r in the Officers'

Mess of the Scots Gu a rds .)

261. Shandy Gaff.

E qua l p arts G inger A le an cl Bass or P a le


262. Sherry Cobbler.




tumbler, add


g lass o f B randy ,



of Cu ra<;:ao ,


g lass of Drioli Marasch ino ,


g lass of

_Sh erry .

Ad d syph on . Stir wel l , decorate "·ith fru its in

season . F loat a lit t le Port Wine on top .

263 . Sherry Cockta il.


d ash P each B itters ,


cl ash Oran ge Bitters ,

r clash F rench Vermou th. r g lass Pale Dry Sh erry .

Sha ke well a nd strain .

264 . Sherry Flip.


yo lk of Egg , r t easpoon fu l of Suga r , r gla ss of

Don zardo Sherry .

Shake we ll together and s tra in into s ma ll " ·ine–

g lass , and grate n u tmeg o n top .

264a. Sher ryzilla .

R eady rnixet! \Vin e Coc ktail (sec page


265. Short Life Cockta il.

:} Vodka, :\- Calvados, -} Pernod.

266. Side -Car Cockta il.

} Co intreau (Tr iple sec),


Brantl y , } Lemo n

Jui ce.

(Recipe by NiacGarry , the pvpular Barle11der at

Buch's Club , L ondon. )