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Corporate Responsibility


Being a Responsible employer



Registration Document 2016



To make this success bigger and increase the number of

is new for Atos, company matching shares.

program, offering the possibility to its employees to buy Atos

shares including again a 20% discount on the price plus, and this

participants, Atos worked out a new plan, Share 2016 a Sprint

This plan has been a real success gathering more than 10,500

participants in 23 countries leading to a participation rate of

more than 12%.

Atos ambition is to build on this success and continue on offering

Employee Stock Ownership programs in the future.

Management Equity Plans

share plans, detailed in the section G.4 Executive compensation

and stock ownership (including former stock option plans).

In order to reward and retain key talents and top managers,

Atos regularly implemented stock options plans and performance

the External Revenue Growth, as Growth is a key element of the

Group strategy.

performance share plan. One of them is especially linked with

On July 26, 2016, in line with the Group main strategic

guidelines over the period 2016-2019, 983 Atos employees -

been granted Atos performance shares. Ambitious and

cumulative performance conditions have been set for this

mainly senior managers and executives, and also selected

technical experts as well as high-potential employees - have

specifically the Corporate Responsibility’s condition of the

performance share plan granted in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Atos performance shares plans are detailed in the section G.4

Executive compensation and stock ownership and more

Enhance theWellbeing@work


Working conditions


[G4-15] and [G4-16]

labor right


General statement of respect of international

Atos is willing to ensure such protection. As active participant,

Atos ensure the respect of the following principles:

age, handicap or any other distinctive trait. Participating in the

UN Global Compact since 2010 is another way of showing how

Atos Code of Ethics confirms that Atos will always take decisions

based on competences without consideration for nationality, sex,

The protection of labor rights has long been a part of Atos policy.

proclaimed human rights;

supporting and respecting the protection of internationally

making sure that Atos is not complicit in human rights


recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

upholding the freedom of association and the effective

elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;

effective abolition of child labour.

the requisites of the local labor law: this has always been done

and managed properly.

In addition, in order to apply to public tenders Atos has to follow

balance between professional and personal lives of employees.

Atos initiated several initiatives which aim to guarantee a better


tools which are designed to support employees with their health

and wellbeing. It also sets out the ambitions for this subject.

A Health@work blueprint has been drawn up within Atos with the

aim of promoting best practices and bringing together existing

Occupational Road Risk) category. Atos US has also been

rewarded by the American Heart Association Award and the

(RoSPA) rewarded Atos UK with a Gold Award for Health and

Safety and a Silver Award in the MORR (Management of

Cigna Award.

in a row, the UK Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

Atos is committed to ensure it complies with legal standards and

also strives to meet best practice. For example, for the 4



had now over 20,000 users within Atos, also including the App


through a website, “atosrevitalized. com”: this multi-media and

interactive health & wellbeing tool was launched in 2012 and has

One initiative to encourage physical activities has been designed

2016, the following has to be considered:

With regard to average improvement in Wellbeing Score across

remained at around 9%;

the average improvement figure over 12 months has

overall Wellbeing Score is almost 45% - which is firmly in the

400 organisations;

“Good” categorisation and some 7% higher than the average

Wellbeing Score across entire Revitalized client base of some

with over 18,000 of them logging in the previous 4 week

there are more than 27,787 registered users at end of 2016,


over £2.3 million per annum based on an increased working

productivity when compared to workers with average

active users contributing to overall Wellbeing Scores 7%

higher than average could result in potential financial benefit

wellbeing values.

revitalized business case ROI calculator indicates that 18,000