3 1
FIZZ-Elks. (Use a large bar glaos.)
Juice' of one-ha lf a lemon,
0 11.,-ha lf t.ablespoon of sugar,
One-ha ir wine-glass of r ye whiskey
One-ha lf g lass of port n ine,
V\' hite of one egg.
Shake thoroughly, strain into small glass, add seltzer and
.serve wit h slice of pineapple.
I '
FIZZ-Gin. (Use a large ba r glass.)
One-h alf tablespoonful of
Three or four d ashes of lemun juice,
OnP-ha lf glal'S of shaved ictJ,
011e wine-glass of Old Tom g in. up well with a spoon, strain it into a large-sizerl bar
fi ll up the bala nce wit.II vich y or selters wa : mix
well a'nd ser ve. Bear in mind t.ha t a ll drin ks call ed Fizzes,
·be drunk as soon a s ha nded out, or the natura l taste
or Lhe same
lost to the custom er.
FIZZ-Gazette. (Use a large bar glass.)
Yolk of one egg,
T wo teaspoons of
suga r,
Three d ashes of lemon juice,
One pony of brandy,
H alf g lass of sbaverl Ice.
Sha Jse well, strain in m edium glass, fill with seltzer wa ter
a nd drink a t once.
FIZZ - Golden. (Use a large bar glass.)
One tablespoonfu l of fin e white sugar,
'Three <lashes of lemon or lime juice,
The yolk of one egg,
of Old Tom gi n,
Two or three sm all lumps of ice.
Shnke up
stra in into a m edi'om bar glass, and
fi ll it u p with seltzer wa ter.